well bucket book holder

Well Bucket Book Holder

I never imagined I’d string these four words together: well bucket book holder.

But that’s how my life works, so I just roll with it now.

I pinkie swear I’m running out of “I found this left in my house/garage” stories, but that is where this well bucket book holder originated.

I found a faux (and definitely not old) well bucket in our garage when we bought the Colonial Farmhouse.

I actually liked it as is, but had no use for it at the time. Also, I couldn’t work that green paint into my decor scheme, so the well bucket sat in the garage for a year mocking me.


I have a high threshold for the length of time my projects-in-waiting can mock me.

well bucket book holder

A couple of weeks ago I decided to give the well bucket a quick coat of black paint because I was convinced I could hide our router inside of it.

Turns out, I could hide the router. I couldn’t hide the router cords because I assumed the outlets in our sunporch were located at a normal height.

Hahahahahaha. Me and my assumptions.

That idea was a bust, but I was undeterred.

I wandered from room to room in my house with my newly painted well bucket in hand looking for ideas.

Brainstorming in motion, as I like to call it.

Muttering like a loon, as Handy Husband likes to tease.

Oh, did I forget to mention that I sometimes talk to myself during these brainstorming in motion sessions? I have no shame in the talking to myself game.

The madness to my method totally works.

Plopping a plant in the well bucket was my best idea, but I didn’t have a spare plant on hand.

What we did have were a lot of spare books, specifically in my son’s room. Plus, the well bucket just looked right in his room, especially when it became a well bucket book holder.

Don’t you think?

well bucket book holder

This whole journey down the proverbial rabbit hole well shaft led me to discover that there are a lot of really cool well bucket reproductions on the market.

Ones that are so much better looking than mine.

In fact, if I get bored one of these days, I might have to sand my well bucket down to bare wood to achieve a similar rustic effect as some of the ones I found.

Behold the eye candy!

Iron-handled Water Bucket via Wayfair

The handle on this well bucket is amazing.

iron handle water bucket via wayfair

Well Bucket via Overstock

This one actually comes in the green color that mine originally was, so maybe mine was an Overstock find too!

I like the shape of this one. It would be a great magazine holder.

wood well bucket via overstock

Pallet Wood Well Bucket via Etsy

This shop on Etsy is selling buckets made out of pallet wood, which might be one of the best pallet wood ideas I’ve ever seen.

pallet wood well bucket via etsy

Some of the well buckets I saw online would make super cute trashcans for a bathroom or as a holder for extra toilet paper.

A well bucket would be a great way to store pet toys too.

I could keep going with the ideas, but I’ll stop now.

well bucket book holder
I’m happy to have moved another ‘project-in-waiting’ to the ‘project completed’ category.

I’m happy that my son is still largely indifferent to the decorating that goes on in his room.

Handy Husband is happy to have another spot in the garage cleared out.


That’s a lot of wins for one well bucket!

P.S. I made that growth chart probably ten years ago. We measure our kids on their birthdays and at Christmas. My only advice if you make or buy a growth chart is make sure it is something you’re going to love forever. If you’re a sentimental fool like me, there’s no way you’re going to be able to scrap something that has recorded your children’s growth.

Thanks for being along for this creative journey! Here are some other posts you might enjoy!

That one time I did manage to hide the modem and router

That one time I managed to hide cords on my nightstand (Pinterest loves this one.)

That one time I went on a trail run.



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  • Saundra Smith

    That is an interesting bucket. I wonder if it was actually used in a well. Also wonder how old it is. You made a good choice in how to use it. I have a brass bucket that fell down a well in my gandparnts farm in South Dakota. It was retrieved several years later and passed on to different family members.I got it because I was the youngest first grandchild of the Altheide family. I set a plant in it. I’ll pass it on to one of my boys.

  • Dawn Olsson

    I don’t know, but I think that bucket would look better in my house. I didn’t know it until now, but I think I need one of those.

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