halloween cauldron centerpiece
decorating,  holidays

Halloween Cauldron Centerpiece

Last week I found a mini cast iron cauldron at the thrift store and knew I could turn into a Halloween Cauldron Centerpiece!

I didn’t know how I would make this happen, but as it turns out, I predictably resorted to my default Halloween trick.

Stick a bat on it.

That’s about as Halloween as I get.

halloween cauldron centerpiece

A Halloween Cauldron Centerpiece is nothing without the cauldron and a mini cauldron works best.

My mini cauldron is about 6 inches tall and has a 6-inch diameter. It looks like it is the perfect dimension to cook up a single-serving size of deliciousness over a campfire.

Although, I’m just imagining this campfire cooking scenario because I don’t camp. I’m the type who prefers to spend all day in nature and all night at home tucked into my warm, cozy, doesn’t-break-my-back bed.

There might be a better name for this cauldron like a dutch oven. Except, mine is missing a lid. And cauldron is a much better name for a Halloween-themed project.

Next month it can be a dutch oven.

halloween cauldron centerpiece

The flowers in the cauldron are from one of my favorite places: the grocery store!

Don’t even try to convince me that the grocery store shouldn’t be one of my favorite places. They have food. Food that I didn’t have to grow. Sometimes I even buy food there that I don’t have to cook. INSANITY! 

And flowers. Don’t forget the grocery store flowers.

These flowers aren’t sitting directly in the cauldron. It already had enough rust in the bottom! Instead, they are sitting in a plastic container that fit nicely in the bottom of the cauldron.

The bat is one I cut out of black card stock. I have a whole envelope of them because one year I was really bored ambitious and cut out 50 of them in varying sizes. It is taped to a chopstick wooden skewer.

You could also tape the bat to the handle of the cauldron if the handle was at the correct height when placed in the upward position.

As soon as Halloween is over, I’ll remove the bat and will be left with the cutest fall centerpiece that doesn’t scream “a spooky witch lives here!”

What do you think?

Was this a killer thrift store find?

What about if I tell you it was $5?

Can I transition my Halloween Cauldron Centerpiece into a perfectly festive Thanksgiving centerpiece?


That was an intense amount of questioning for a blog post. Maybe I should be Perry Mason for Halloween.

Do kids these days even know who Perry Mason was?

Don’t answer that.

Instead, go forth and enjoy your day, youngsters!

Happy Halloween!

P.S. You can find vintage or antique cast iron cauldrons on Etsy and eBay. However, this idea could be just as festive using a plastic cauldron from the Dollar Store. Your favorite store grocery store probably has one on clearance this close to Halloween! 

P.P.S. I used to watch Perry Mason and Matlock at my Grandma’s house. I grew up in the country, but Grandma had a house in town close to my high school. I think all of us grandkids used Grandma’s house as a home base when we had time to kill between school activities. Knowing I always had a safe place to go and someone who would welcome me no matter the time of day – I can’t tell you how formative that was for me. She’s the kind of grandma I want to be someday. 

I think I’m done creating fall-themed flower centerpieces for this year. Probably. Well, don’t hold me to that statement. I never know when the mood will strike. I do know that I have plenty of other blog posts for you to read if you’re so inclined! 

Easy Halloween Themed Book Covers

Horseshoe Pumpkins

DIY Palm Leaf Witch Broom


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