patchwork quilts on a blanket ladder

In Praise of Patchwork Quilts

Suddenly, I’m seeing patchwork quilts everywhere. Have you noticed this trend too?

If nothing else, we can always count on everything old eventually becoming new again. Well, everything except us.

I am not a quilting expert, but I do know that the patchwork part of a patchwork quilt simply refers to pieces of fabric that are stitched together in a pattern. This can also be called piecing.

Quilting refers to the process of stitching a top layer, batting, and backing together to make a bedcovering.

You could have a quilt that’s not patchworked or pieced. For instance, some coverlets that are solid colored are technically quilted because they have a top layer, batting, and backing that are stitched together. And that’s all I know about that.

patchwork quilts on blanket ladder

I have a feeling that the resurgence of patchwork quilts has to do with the rise of the cottagecore trend in home decorating as people want to embrace their stylized version of a simple, rural lifestyle.

I could argue there’s nothing simple about rural life, but let’s not get off topic. We’re on a style-scouting mission today!

So, let’s check out the patchwork quilts being offered on a website near you.

The first quilt that caught my eye was this pretty patchwork quilt from LL Bean.

I’ve had a fondness for LL Bean ever since I outfitted myself in some of their winter gear when I went to college on the East Coast. In an ironic twist, I do not have a fondness for East Coast winters even if I do look cute.

The vertical stitching on this LL Bean quilt gives it a modern vibe. However, I’ve noticed it’s hard to tell when shopping online if a quilt is truly patchworked or just made to look like it’s patchwork. I need better pictures!

Either way, this patchwork quilt would look delightful on a bed.

north star patchwork quilt LL bEAn in praise of patchwork quilts

(image: LL Bean)

This turquoise and white patchwork quilt is from Pottery Barn Kids.

If you need twin, full, or queen-sized bedding, it’s worth checking out the kid or teen section of Pottery Barn.

Sometimes the designs are age-neutral and the prices are cheaper than the regular Pottery Barn! I don’t know about you, but I always feel younger at heart when my wallet is fuller.

pottery barn kids emily merit triangle patchwork quilt in praise of patchwork quilts

(image: Pottery Barn Kids)

I love the colors in this room and the patchwork quilt from Garnet Hill.

It looks fresh, yet cozy.

garnet hill homestead pieced quilt in praise of patchwork quilts

(image: Garnet Hill)

I’m almost certain (but I’d be happy to be wrong) that this wedding ring quilt from Wayfair is not actually pieced together.

It’s still super pretty though and I especially love the scalloped hem detail.

way fair okolona farmhouse country quilt in praise of patchwork quilts

(image: Wayfair)

P.S. If you like this wedding ring quilt, Target has what I think is the exact same one for cheaper.

Another one from Garnet Hill! This patchwork quilt from Garnet Hill comes in different colors and it might be my favorite of the bunch. This is probably because I know I could incorporate it into my current bedroom decor with no problem.

I love the quiet simplicity of it.

garnet hill agnes linen quilt in praise of patchwork quilts

(image: Garnet Hill)

This entire scene including the patchwork quilt from Junk Gypsy is so darn happy. Don’t you think?

If I was camping, this is how I’d want to camp.

junk gypsy beatnik patchwork quilt in praise of patchwork quilts

(image: Junk Gypsy)

Here’s another patchwork quilt from Pottery Barn.

Pottery Barn is leaning hard into the patchwork quilt trend this season. I picked two for this post, but there were more!

What I appreciate about Pottery Barn’s styling is how they can take something that might remind you of a past era like a patchwork quilt and style it in a more modern way. I like that juxtaposition.

hazel patchwork quilt pottery barn in praise of patchwork quilts

(image: Pottery Barn)

I own five patchwork quilts that are very sentimental to me because they were handmade by either family or friends.

Three of the quilts were completely hand-quilted and are so old now that I’m afraid to actually use them as bedding because the fabric has become fragile.

I’m sure the women who made them would laugh at that notion. They intended those quilts to be used probably until they fell apart and then, I suppose, they’d patch them up some more.

I don’t have those skills, so I’ll happily keep my old patchwork quilts on my blanket ladder and shop for a new one that isn’t so precious to layer on our bed.

How do you feel about patchwork quilts? Love them? Indifferent? Are you going to pull all your quilts out of storage now? You can always comment on this blog post (I have to approve it first before it appears), email me here, or reach out via Instagram or Facebook.

Thanks for sharing part of your day with me. I hate for our time together to end so soon. Here are some other posts you might enjoy too. 

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