ceramic herb markers from clay hive co via etsy fun gardening finds
gardening and landscape

10 Fun Gardening Finds

Friends, I am delighted to dig into today’s topic and share 10 fun gardening finds with you.

This is an aspirational post for me because I’m delusional convinced that I might grow to enjoy gardening if fun and pretty things are involved. I’m not a one trick peony, I mean, pony, so it could happen, right?

By the way, I’m using the term gardening loosely here. If it has to do with plants and I thought it looked neat then it landed on the list.

Here are 10 fun gardening finds that caught my eye.


I was today years old when I learned a circular copper trellis was a thing. Talk about giving a sculptural flare to your house plants!

copper circular plant trellis via etsy seller yesterdays november

(image: Yesterday’s November via Etsy)


I believe these hummingbird plant stakes can be used indoors or outdoors. The stake is acrylic, giving the illusion that the hummingbirds are hovering over your plant. Genius!

hummingbird plant stakes via etsy seller spoiled rotten plants fun gardening finds

(image: Spoiled Rotten Plants via Etsy)


I love a slightly naughty pun.

hoeing aint easy t-shirt via msmdesignusa etsy seller fun gardening finds

(image: MsM Design USA via Etsy)

It’s kind of funny that I find this shirt super cute. My grandma was a first-grade teacher and hell hath no fury like my sweet grandma telling her grandkids that ain’t is not a word. If my grandma was going to come back and haunt me about something, it would probably be about me wearing this shirt. Not sure I should risk it.


These happy herb markers were featured in HGTV Magazine. However, I didn’t realize that until after they caught my eye.

I’ve never once used marjoram in my life, but I kind of want to grow some now just so I can use that cute herb marker.

colorful ceramic herb markers as seen in HGTV magazine via etsy seller Clay Hive Co fun gardening finds

(image and featured blog post image: Clay Hive Co. via Etsy)


This shirt is totally Handy Husband. I can say with affection that he has some definite opinions about lawn care. Don’t ask him any questions about fertilizer, weed management, or how low grass should be cut unless you are prepared to sit for his TED Talk.

lawn enforcement t-shirt from etsy seller crazy dog t-shirts fun gardening finds

(image: Crazy Dog Tshirts via Etsy)


I’m not exactly sure where I would use these brass blooms, but I’d find a place. They are whimsical, yet fancy.

brass blooms plant stakes via etsy seller another studio fun gardening finds

(image: Another Studio via Etsy)

Upon further reflection, I’d probably turn the brass blooms into wall art. Does that count as gardening?


Not even a little?



Dibber, dibble, or dibbler.

Is there a reason why we can’t agree on what the name of this garden tool is?

wood garden dibble dibbler dibber via etsy shop rockin k creations shop fun gardening finds

(image: Rockin K Creations Shop via Etsy)

I’m more of a ballparker when it comes to measuring things, so this tool might actually be helpful for me if I was going to go wild planting seeds.


Would I look like a legit gardener if I wore a super cute apron like this one?

I tend to think of aprons as kind of dowdy, but this one is the opposite of that. If you own a florist’s shop, this apron should be part of your uniform.

floral and denim gardening apron via etsy seller dill handmade fun gardening finds

(image: Dill Handmade via Etsy)


Isn’t this the coolest-looking terrarium? It comes in different sizes and shapes.

grid house shape terrarium via etsy seller urban born shop fun gardening finds

(image: Urban Born Shop via Etsy)

I loved reading the reviews about this product. Some people were using it as a mini greenhouse for seeds or propagation clippings.


The shape of this mug is brilliant! I don’t know if it’s a good drinking mug or not but it would also look fun on someone’s desk filled with pens.

plant lady terracotta mug via etsy seller shelby sells co fun gardening finds

(image: Shelby Sells Co via Etsy)

P.S. The seller went out of their way to mention that the script on this mug is not a vinyl sticker.

Well, what do you think about these fun gardening finds?

Would I be a big dill if I sported some of these tools and accessories? How do you feel about gardening puns? Are they a bit mulch for you?

I’d love to know. You can always comment on this blog post, email me here, or reach out via Instagram or Facebook.

Happy gardening!

Thanks for being here today. I hope you had fun. Here are some other blog posts you might enjoy. Although, I’m 97% certain they don’t contain any gardening puns.

Bus Stop Gardening Station

The Great Garden Misunderstanding

How We Updated A Chainlink Fence With Paint



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