pink blossoms on the sidewalk in spring may 2024 clinton nj on the happy list
happy list

Happy List: #345

Hello! Welcome to this week’s Happy List. I’m glad you’re here.

Let’s do a quick blog recap. This week I shared the reason why we kept the blue tile in our shower. Vintage tile does have a certain charm or so I keep telling myself. I also wrote about all the pepper mills my eyes told me I wanted and the one my wallet let me get.

As always, thank you for being here. One of the perks of blogging is being able to connect with you. I’ve made the best online friends through this website. If you want to connect, and I hope you do, you can always comment on this blog post or send an email here. You can also reach out on Instagram or Facebook.

Enjoy this week’s Happy List!


I appreciated this review of the Big Chill classic range by Sarah from Room For Tuesday. I’ve read her blog for a long time and she seems really thoughtful with her design choices. I mean, look at her kitchen. Gorgeous!

If you’re looking for a range that’s American-made and pretty, check out her review after using the range for six months.

honest review of big chill classic range by room for tuesday on the happy list

(image: Room For Tuesday)

P.S. For the life of me, I do not understand why companies like Whirlpool don’t make ranges that have old-world styling. They’d make a killing.


This sign made me laugh…it’s just the thing I’d like to encounter out in the wild should something be broken. For more funny signs, go check out Only Good News Daily.

funny sign about broken escalator from user u/tyw7 Via via only good news daily on the happy list

(image: u/tyw7 | | via Only Good News Daily)


Jen from Tatertots and Jello has come up with the most clever way to repurpose a bundt pan.

Check this umbrella planter out! Can you even?

See how she did it here.

up cycled bundt pan turned into a planter around a patio umbrella from jen at tatertots and jello on the happy list

(image: Tatertots and Jello)


Wish me luck! I’m going to attempt to make balloon flowers this weekend. Aren’t they cute?

Instead of buying this kit on Amazon, I’m going to use balloons from my party stash. I watched one YouTube video on how to make them. What could go wrong? Hahahaha!

flower balloon kit from amazon seller btzo store on the happy list

(image: Amazon)


My friend Nancy recommended that I listen to the Kate DiCamillo interview on the On Being podcast with Krista Tippett. I didn’t realize that interview would have me crying while pulling weeds in my front yard!

If you’ve had kids in the last 25 years, there’s a good chance you or your kids have read a DiCamillo book. She’s a two-time Newbery Medal winner and her children’s books include Because of Winn-Dixie and The Tale of Despereaux

Here’s a quote from the podcast transcript by DiCamillo: “And it’s funny, because a lot of times, like when Despereaux came out, I would get asked, again and again, Why do you think mice figure so prominently in children’s literature? And I always wanted to say, Are you kidding? It’s because that’s how we treat kids. It’s just kind of like you’re in the way, you’re small, you’re powerless, and it feels very familiar to a kid.”

If you have time this week, definitely add this interview to your podcast queue. It’s so very insightful and, as an adult, I gleaned so much wisdom from the interview.

the tale of despereaux by kate dicamillo on the happy list

(image: Amazon)


Love this DIY from Newly Woodwards for storing lawn tools. Speaking as someone who has shovels and rakes leaning everywhere they shouldn’t be, we could benefit from this idea.

diy way to store lawn tools with PVC pipes by newly woodwards on the happy list

(image: Newly Woodwards)


I’m making this Coconut Curry Chicken recipe from Damn Delicious tonight and I expect it to be…quite delicious.

coconut curry chicken recipe from damn delicious on the happy list

(image: Damn Delicious)

P.S. Her Korean Beef Bowl recipe is on such a regular rotation around here that I’ve memorized the recipe. It uses ground beef, so it’s an extra easy one to make. I usually double or triple the sauce and add veggies because I have one vegetarian in the family.


Actions Speak Louder Than Words by William Henry Dawson

It’s not enough that I should say,
At early dawn of each new day,
“No wrong this day will I commit,
Nor will I with the scornful sit.”
It’s not enough if I should meet
A widowed one, that I should greet
Her with condolence, and express
My sorrow for her great distress.
It’s not enough that I should lay
My hand upon his head and say
Unto the orphan child, “My boy,
May all your life be peace and joy.”
It’s not enough if I should know
That enemies conspire to throw
Around your home shame and disgrace;
That I should simply turn my face
And say, “I will not stand and see
A neighbor treated shamefully.”
It’s not profession’s empty boast
That makes us for the right a host:
It’s not the things that we profess
That help the needy world to bless.
My duty has not been well done,
Until with eagerness I run
To do the will of Him who said,
“Heal ye the sick and raise the dead.”
Religion pure and undefiled
Means, help the widow and her child;
It’s better to relieve an ill,
Than just to know our Father’s will.

Thank you for reading today’s Happy List.

Be good to yourself and others this week.

I’ll see you back here on Monday.




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