• 10 handmade gifts you still have time to make this christmas
    Crafts,  gift and learning

    10 Handmade Gifts You Still Have Time To Make This Christmas

    Unless you’re reading this five minutes before gifts will be opened, I assure you, there is still time to make handmade gifts this Christmas. I’m not talking about a handmade gift that is so involved that you have to shear the sheep in order to make your own yarn so you can knit something scratchy no one wants to wear. No, no, no. Heaven forbid. How about some sentimental gift ideas or semi-handmade gift ideas instead? Those are right up my alley and yours too, I’m sure. Here are 10 handmade gifts you still have time to make this Christmas that will actually be used and enjoyed by their intended…

  • santa belt magnets

    12 Handmade Holiday Gift Ideas

    I hear supply chains are constricted, so here are 12 handmade holiday gift ideas to consider making for your friends and family this year. The best part is some of these gift ideas are DIY cheats meaning not totally handmade from scratch. They just have a handmade, personal touch. That totally counts! Ready? Let the inspiration flow: Handmade Holiday Gift Ideas: Game Boards Board games are often popular gifts. How about making a handmade checkers board or chessboard? You could keep it a little easier and make a Tic Tac Toe board too. If you’re interested in vintage wood checkers to go with your game board, you can find them on…

  • fruit in pasta bowl
    gift and learning

    8 Satisfying Things I’m Enjoying This Summer

    I don’t know about you, but I’m spending an inordinate amount of time at home these days, so today I’m sharing eight satisfying things I’m enjoying this summer. I’ve always said it is the little things that make me happy and that’s even more true right now. Eight Satisfying Things #1: Bug Zapper I don’t know if there really are more bugs outside this summer or if we are just hyperaware of the number of bugs pestering us, particularly while we are swimming. Handy Husband ordered this ultraviolet bug zapper and thinks it is the best thing ever. I’m not joking. Find a person who looks at you the way…

  • Over-the-Door Basketball Hoop with Wood Backboard
    Crafts,  DIY

    Over-the-Door Basketball Hoop with Wood Backboard

    I love my kids. I don’t love all the kid stuff. It is rarely aesthetically pleasing, but I can fix that – this one time. My son has an over-the-door basketball hoop that is fun to use, but not super easy on the eyes. For the record, I have no one but myself to blame for this eyesore. I’m the one who purchased the over-the-door basketball hoop for him. The things we do for our kids. Here’s how we took an over-the-door basketball hoop and gave it the full court press a makeover with a wood backboard. It’s a total SLAM DUNK! Here is the step-by-step tutorial. Wood Backboard Step 1:…

  • Five Board Games Handy Husband Recommends
    gift and learning

    Five Board Games Handy Husband Recommends

    There are five board games Handy Husband recommends you all try this holiday season while you’re home hanging out with your loved ones. He says these five board games are guaranteed to help you pass the time more enjoyably. Guaranteed, huh? That’s a pretty strong word coming from someone who is not going to give you your money back. I asked Handy Husband if he would write this blog post himself, so you’d get a first person account of why he recommends these particular board games. After all, he’s the person who appreciates how well a game is designed, how often it can be played without getting predictable, the quality…

  • education,  gift and learning

    Not Your Usual Teacher Gift Ideas

    My feelings on school starting ping back and forth at least 400 times an hour. Summer is the best. Why does it have to end? HOW long until summer ends? Lazy summer days are amazing. Crud. It’s only 8:07 A.M.! 11 hours and 53 minutes until bedtime.  I’m soaking up every moment with my babies. You JUST had a snack! And so on and so forth. The one feeling that remains constant is my profound appreciation for the teachers and support staff who teach, nurture, protect and inspire my children. At some point in the year, I know I will be giving a teacher gift or participating in a classroom gift…

  • Crafts,  learning

    Teacher Appreciation Gifts

    We moved to Georgia at the tail end of the school year. I was so thankful to my kids’ teachers for welcoming them into their classrooms with open arms and hearts. They truly made the transition so smooth. And hey, they only had to put up with my kids for 8 weeks! So before school ended, we whipped them up a little homemade appreciation gift of strawberry freezer jam and anise biscotti. The kids helped! I know the teachers probably would have appreciated a gift card even more, but I’m trying to teach my kids how special it is to give the gift of your time. In the age of…