Crafts,  decorating,  holidays

Yarn and Felt Holiday Wreath

I’m already looking forward to summer. I know, I know…it’s not even technically winter yet. It’s just that we have almost reached the milestone where I can press pause on the constant paranoia of drowning and simply enjoy our days at the pool. It’s liberating when your children learn how to swim. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be vigilant, but I think I can step it down a notch and at least let my eagle eye blink every now and then. 😉

All of that was a roundabout way of saying, do not throw away those worn out pool noodles.

They make excellent wreath forms.

Since I’m dispensing advice today, I will add that turning a pool noodle into a wreath is a therapeutic way to cope with the absence of summer.

You do have to be gentle with your pool noodle wreath though. I will be the first to admit this one got a little wonked out (technical term) after our last move, so it’s not perfectly round. It has more character now. 🙂

To make a wreath form out of a pool noodle, simply cut your pool noodle to size, bring the ends together to form a circle and secure with duct tape.

If you don’t have a pool noodle, a styrofoam wreath form would be perfect!

I had used this pool noodle wreath once before, so I took off the old stuff and started over! I wrapped the wreath with yarn I had on hand and secured the yarn with hot glue to keep it from unraveling. The only reason I switched to the red yarn was that I ran out of the grey yarn. Happy accident!

Next came the fun part: the poinsettia flowers!

I drew the shape of a poinsettia petal on a piece of card stock (thanks junk mail people for sending that postcard!) and used that as my template to cut out 8 petals per flower from a felt square. Did you know felt is only 25 cents per sheet at Hobby Lobby? It’s possible this won’t be the last felt craft you see from me this month. When I get into my 25 cent crafts, I really get into them. 🙂

I used red embroidery thread to stitch the petals together. To cover up all of the stitching, I cut out a white felt circle for the center of the flower and stitched that on with yellow embroidery thread.

Attaching the flowers to the wreath form was easy. All it took was a few dabs of hot glue.

To give the flowers a little stiffness, I used a dab of hot glue to secure the petals to one another. That’s why they are sticking up nicely and not flopping down (more technical language).

I wouldn’t recommend using this type of wreath in a wet climate. My front porch is covered and I usually have the storm door covering the wreath so it stays nice and dry – that’s why it works outdoors for me.


This wasn’t the wreath I intended to use on the front door this holiday season, but it makes me so happy to come home and see it hanging there! It’s the perfect pop of contrast against that black door.

If you love wreaths as much as I do, here are some others to check out!

DIY Felt Petal Spring Wreath

Junky 4th of July Wreath

Quick and Simple Felt St. Patrick’s Day Wreath

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