
New Year’s Resolutions

I’m not really a New Year’s Resolution kind of gal. Gasp! I know, right?

I do think that making resolutions to change your life for the better are to be applauded, especially if you follow through. I just don’t subscribe to the “do it because the calendar says you should” mentality. Be a rebel! Make your resolution any ol’ time you want!

Now, if I was going to make a resolution or two for the new year. I think they would fall somewhere along these lines:

Resolution #1: Spend more time enjoying the viewespecially ones with palm trees.

Life is so busy. In the rush to get from place to place by a certain time while mentally reviewing your grocery list and answering a myriad of off-the-wall questions from a 4-year-old, you can forget to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. The beauty in the everyday. At least, I do.

It’s amazing how taking 2 seconds out of my day to appreciate what’s around me – from nature to a loving exchange between my children – can really boost my mood. Also, I think it is worth repeating, palm trees definitely boost my happy-meter off-the-charts!

Resolution #2: Spend more time relaxing and being active. The two really can go hand-in-hand. Trust me.

Playing in the water with my kids, going for family hikes, even the time I spend alone running on the treadmill while watching Netflix can be relaxing. Yesterday I tried stand-up paddle boarding for the first time. It was crazy fun! My legs were quivering when I was done!

Sure, there’s physical exertion, but when you’re having fun doing it – it gives your mind a break from all that’s going on around you. From the endorphins to the lowered blood pressure, it’s much easier for me to face my day head-on with a little bit more grace when regular activity is part of my lifestyle.

Resolution #3: Do what makes you happyeven if that means rolling in the sand.

Life is demanding. People depend on us. But if you don’t carve out a little time to do something that makes you happy, well, you’re going to be pretty darn miserable. The older I get, the more I think we should indulge our inner 4-year-old every once in awhile and just do something that makes us blissfully happy, even if it makes sense to no one else.

If you make resolutions at the start of the New Year, I wish you all the best in sticking with them. I know you can do it!

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