decorating,  holidays

Halloween Book Covers

Fair warning!

If you say BOO to Halloween or cute black kittens, just step away from the computer now.

The following images may be disturbing.

See? I told you. The horror!

A cute black kitten with a bright pink stuffed animal collar. It’s the least offensive thing she’s been dressed up in. So far.

The cat’s name? Salsa.

That’s definitely an omen. An omen that mommy is a pushover.

Anyway, let’s get back to the point of this post!

It’s now October and I’m doing a little bit of Halloween decorating. I didn’t do this sort of thing before I had kids, but they LOVE this holiday.

What’s not to love about getting dressed up in a disguise and getting free candy from strangers?

I started my Halloween decorating by updating the book covers on these books in our dining room. (Yes, I have books in my dining room.) If you remember, those blue and cream book covers made out of construction paper and card stock are hiding all of my husband’s ugly computer books.

As you know, cheap and easy crafts are my thing! My attention span can’t handle anything too complicated.

So, with black construction paper, a white colored pencil, tape and a few of my new favorite TV shows, I recovered those books.

I was trying to mimic the look of creepy old books. I’m not sure if I quite achieved that goal, but the kids loved it!

If I’m being totally honest, they greatly amuse me too!

Here’s my little secret about those books. Only the spine and maybe 1 or 2 inches of the front and back of the book are covered in construction paper. These books are for decoration only. I don’t need to worry about covering the entire book because it will never be seen. The exception is the book on the end of the stack.

This kitten. She makes amuses me as well. It’s been rather dreary in Atlanta this week, so I had to go outside to find some good light for these photos. Salsa is an outside kitty and she joined me for this Halloween book cover photoshoot. It seemed appropriate since she’s a black cat. I dare say, she makes my kids happier than Halloween and that is no small miracle.

If you want more Halloween inspiration, check these out!

Horseshoe Pumpkins

Paper Pumpkins

Braided Denim Pumpkin

Apple Cider Muffins

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