Crafts,  decorating,  holidays

Halloween Built-Ins

I have been waiting for days for the light to be bright enough to take pictures of the little makeover our built-ins received for Halloween.

Have I mentioned patience is not one of my virtues?

At the rate I was going it was going to be Easter before I showed you the Halloween shelves. And, well, that wouldn’t be quite right would it?

So instead of grainy and dim, let’s call these photos moody and Halloween-esque. 🙂
halloweenshelves5Decorating mainly with stuff I already had forced me to get creative – especially since I don’t own an abundance of seasonal decorating items. Me and clutter are not friends. If you’ve known me for 5 seconds, I’m sure you’ve already come to that conclusion.

The things I bought this year were the real pumpkins and the black wire pumpkins for $12 total. Hey, big spender!

I’ll use the the wire pumpkins next year and the real pumpkins will transition into Thanksgiving.

I don’t promise to take pictures of the built-ins for Thanksgiving though…I probably really will have to wait until Easter for the light to be decent. HA! Come back summer!

The book covers were a super easy and temporary craft! They are simply made from construction paper and a colored pencil.
halloweenshelves3My “fall” sign is made from a birch log that I repurposed. My daughter received it as a birthday party favor. If you stand the log upright it is actually a very cool pencil holder! I used the bottom of the log and marker to write the word fall.

I really wanted to use a wood burning tool to create this little sign, but alas, I’m going to have to ask Santa for one of those this year.

I’m still infatuated with my Halloween ceramic crocks. The black stripes are made from yarn. Since the “31” is written on a chalkboard label, I’m sure I can transition these cuties into Thanksgiving and maybe even Christmas? Who knows!

I don’t actually have a decorating plan for those holidays. One holiday at a time, people! That’s my motto.


I’m sure I’ve told you about these pumpkin stands. They are are actually heart-shaped flower planters that my mom made EONS ago. Maybe 20 or 25 years ago?

My green thumb isn’t quite black…I’d call it grayish. So, I use these planters for everything besides growing plants.

The photos of my children have nothing to do with Halloween. I just like their cute faces.

Oh, and these particular photos fit with my neutral color scheme as I was playing musical decorations. Keeping it real.

I love built-in shelves and the character they bring to a home. However, I am also the type of person who looks at these types of built-in shelves and shudders a little inside because it means I’m going to have to put stuff on them and make it look good. Oh, and DUST all of that stuff. I am happy with how they turned out though! They bring in the season with the Halloween decor, but still maintain my need to keep things clean and simple. Win, win.

Want some more fall decorating ideas? Of course you do! 

Halloween Bat Mantel

Braided Denim Pumpkin

How NOT to Make a Book Pumpkin

Striped and Flower Petal Denim Pumpkin

DIY Horseshoe Pumpkin

Good Luck Horseshoe Knock Off

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