When Would You Paint A Counter?

The the burning question of the day is when would a sane person paint a counter?

Answer? When they are desperate.

In picture form, desperation looks like this:counter1
That is an unfortunate countertop made doubly worse by some sort of permanent marker that even Mr. Eraser and his band of toxic cleaners could not fix.

To the child that decided to draw a heart on the counter…I’m not feeling the love.

And no, it wasn’t one of mine. The countertop came to us this way.

This bathroom needs to be gutted and reconfigured, but that’s not happening in the near future. In the meantime, I thought I would read all of the terrible reviews out there about Rustoleum’s counter paint. There are a lot of them. I’m not sure I actually found a good one. And yet, this product is still on the market, so people must be buying it? I did!

(Even with my iPhone, it looks better, right?)counter2

The product is easy to use and apply, even though it is a little thicker than regular paint. It does stink to high heaven though.

Here’s where it can all go wrong. If there are any imperfections on your counter, any dirt, any stray hairs, any bumps, any dried hairspray – you will see it all (in the right light) when you paint over it. It’s just the nature of a glossy-finished product in a single color.

Learn from my mistakes. When you prep your counter, be thorough and then be thorough again.


Let’s just put this in perspective. If you are desperate enough to paint your countertops instead of replacing them, I don’t think you should really complain about the imperfections of a $20 fix. Instead, be happy that you are no longer looking at graffiti on your counters. Amen.


If you’re considering painting your counters, you might also have some of these other projects to tackle. I know I did!

How to Remove Ring Around the Toilet – I use something unexpected

How to Easily Fix Nasty Grout

Refinish Wood Chairs Without Power Tools

Zero Gravity Chair Repair on the Cheap

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