Crafts,  holidays

LEGO Valentine’s Day Cards – Free Printable

On Wednesday, I shared the writing-themed Valentine’s Day Cards my daughter is handing out this year. Now, it’s time to share my son’s Valentine’s Day cards.

The day I was working on this post, this picture popped up in my Facebook feed from 3 years ago when my son was 2 years old. I left it in all of its unedited glory.

Did you laugh out loud and spit tea on your computer screen too? It took me three years, but I am finally able to look back on that clean-up and laugh!

My favorite Facebook comment on that picture was from my friend Christine who said, “it’s not easy being green.” He was green for a couple of days.

Nothing about having a girl first, not even changing diapers, prepared me for raising a boy.

I wouldn’t trade him for the world though because he’s pretty awesome! He’s also growing up way too fast.

Quite regularly my son comes home from kindergarten with a very exciting story about how he “traded” a lego figure with another kid.

I’ve had to teach him that trading means both parties received something out of the exchange. Otherwise, you’re just giving away all your Lego guys.

Trade Deficit 101.

Which just goes to show that everything you need to know you did indeed learn in kindergarten.
legovalentine2I didn’t go to kindergarten, so that might explain a few things about my personality. Like how my quest to never leave my house, or at least the 5 miles surrounding my house has made Amazon my BFF. Okay, it’s actually like 2 miles, but who’s counting?

Amazon had a pack of 20 lego figurines for $4.99. Uh, yes please! That was a no-brainer. Each figurine was already packaged in a clear bag, so all I had to do was attach my card.

Since I’m well versed in the behaviors of kindergarteners, I know they have no appreciation for the paper the card is actually printed on. None. They are going to rip right into that card to get to the prize.

Knowing this, I printed my cards on computer paper, not card stock. Granted, I do use a nicer laser printer paper. However, I can assure you, if you make this Valentine’s Day card, the kids won’t care what type of paper you use.
legovalentine4February isn’t even here yet, so if you feel the urge to print out these Lego cards, you will be ahead of the game! I seldom am ahead of the game and I’ve got to say, it’s a nice feeling! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Lego Friend Valentine’s Day Free Printable – PDF

Lego Friend Valentine’s Day Free Printable – JPEG

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