Great Idea: Stacked Book Pub Table

Eating out used to be one of my favorite things to do. Then I had kids.

The restaurants in the United States I frequent the most are Chipotle and Panera because they feature relatively quick, healthy and inexpensive meals in an environment that is kid-friendly. Emphasis on the kid-friendly.

Neither of those restaurants are available in Ireland.

I’ve had to put on my big girl panties and try new places since we arrived. GASP! Consider my comfort level stretched.

Imagine me walking into a new restaurant and in the midst of trying to figure out if we seat ourselves and how we order food (which isn’t as intuitive as it should be), I get distracted by the below pub table. Then I have to figure out how to take a quick, but terrible iPhone shot of the table without looking like I’m a creeper taking photos of the restaurant patrons’ behinds.

Eyes on the table, people! Eyes on the table.


Such a clever idea, right? This is something I would definitely make. Well, Handy Husband would make most of it, but I would be there telling him how to do it. Ours is a special partnership.

When I got home (by home I mean our temporary abode), I Googled stacked book tables and found plenty of examples. This table with the game board top was fun.



My Google search led me slightly off-topic, but this happy couple probably had stacked book tables at their reception.

How awesome is that book arch? And their minister looks like quite the character too.

enhanced-buzz-24468-1369764728-13Image: Rubin Weddings via BuzzFeed

In all of my Googling, I still prefer the stacked book table that I saw at The Forty Foot Restaurant in Dún Laoghaire, Ireland. The chunky wood base set it apart and made it appear “finished” to me. I’m guessing from a restaurant perspective, it’s more durable to shoe kicks too.

I’m so happy I stepped out of my comfort zone. I’ve almost recovered from eating in a sit-down restaurant with my kids and I did find good food and project inspiration in one fell swoop! I’ll call that a win.

P.S. If you are wondering, this is how you ordered food in that restaurant.
Step 1: Find your own table. Sit down and get comfy.
Step 2: Get up and go find a menu.
Step 3: Bring menu back to table and decide what you want to order.
Step 4: Find the table number inscribed on your table.
Step 5: Send your husband to the bar to order drinks and meals for 4 people and pray he gets it right.
Step 6: Pay for your meal when you order at the bar.
Step 7: Husband brings back drinks.
Step 8: Waitress delivers your meal when it is ready. (That’s why you needed your table number.)
Step 9: Husband didn’t get order right, so tell your kids the “white stuff, red stuff and green stuff” on their nachos is super delicious. For once, they believe you.
Step 10: Enjoy your meal while telling 6-year-old to sit down 727 times.
Step 11: Escape as soon as possible. No tipping necessary.

Phew! That was a lot! Thanks for hanging in there with me! If you’re ready for another, try one of these posts! 

Two Children’s Books That Made My Eyes Leak

Living in Ireland: A Trip to the Hardware Store

Jewelry Organizer from an Old Door

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