happy list

Happy List: #48

Hurray! You survived another week!

On Monday I shared another round of what my kids are reading. I’m really glad my kids still enjoy me reading out loud to them. It’s not a season that will last forever, so I’m soaking it up now.

I also shared another round of Would I Make It Again? This time it was a recipe for Korean Beef and adding it into the dinner rotation was a no brainer!

Here are a few things that made me smile or feel inspired this week.


Guys. I might be feeling sentimental, but I just read about THE SWEETEST Christmas tradition for daughters.

Sorry, boys. You’re out of luck on this one.

Sarah from She Holds Dearly makes pillowcase nightgowns for her girls every Christmas and puts them in their stockings. Are you dying from how unique and special this is too?

Based on the pictures from her site, she’s not using SpongeBob pillowcases either! In a world and season full of commercialism, I find this idea very charming.

(image: She Holds Dearly)


When I saw the article from Epicurious about what to do when you get home from the grocery store, I’ll admit I jumped on that click bait. The tips were pretty good and some of the things I already do.

My number one tip was NOT on the list, however. Want to know what I do? I wash my hands. I do this whenever I get home, actually. I’m convinced after touching the germy grocery carts and all the other germ-riddled things that this helps me not get sick quite as often. I don’t know if it does, but now you know one of my quirks. Yes, I have more than one.

And because I needed a picture, here’s one of an egg from my Instagram feed.



Marian from Miss Mustard Seed shared her tips for baking gingerbread – especially as it relates to decorating.

There’s no way I’m making custom houses – look how cute this one is! – but now I’m mulling over the idea of making ornaments.

(image: Miss Mustard Seed)


I’m not super into pink. Case in point, I dressed my newborn daughter in blue to come home from the hospital.

The pink pumpkins on the I Spy DIY Thanksgiving table have me reconsidering my stance.

(image: I Spy DIY)


I’m not a calendar girl. It’s just not my thing.

However, this perpetual calendar from TAIT Design Co. caught my eye because it looks more like art than a calendar.

In the right space, it could be cool: office, kid room, classroom.

This revelation had me searching for other perpetual calendars that looked more like art.

I found this one by Sensory Play. If Etsy isn’t your jam, it looks like they also sell it on Amazon for the same price.

But what REALLY made my heart swoon were all the vintage desktop perpetual calendars. Especially the ones made out of brass like this one from The Ocean Blue Co on Etsy.

They only had one, but other sellers had similar ones. Someone tell Handy Husband because this would be great in my Christmas stocking!


If you have texture on your newly drywalled walls, then this dust removal tip from Vintage Revivals might be worth trying.

I can’t vouch for it myself, but it makes sense. This won’t work if you’ve only taped and mudded the seams.

(image: Vintage Revivals)

By the way, I’ve been following along with Mandi’s journey as they turn an old mercantile into their home and it’s pretty fascinating.


There’s a lot to appreciate in this photo from The Little White Farmhouse.

I’d love to paint a dresser like this one.

The greenery is the perfect touch for the holidays.

I love the combo of white and wood elements.

(image: The Little White Farmhouse)


Guys! I have a giant chalkboard!!! I might have to do this.

At the very least, this is a super cute way to wrap presents.

(image: Marian Parsons for HGTV)


Who’s going to a cookie exchange?!?!

Sorry – I’m not raising my hand on this one. I haven’t ‘been invited to one, but if I was, I’d make these Chewy Coconut Cookies.

If they are half as good as this picture looks…

(image: Cake Whiz)

I wonder how they taste cold? Sounds like something I should research.


This wreath from Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss speaks my language.

(image: Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss)

Happy Friday, everyone! Enjoy your weekend. It’s almost Thanksgiving. EEK!


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