Happy List: #79
This is the first time I’ve ever said this and I’m sure I’ll be over it in a flash, but I am SICK of Amazon this week. The internet madness would not stop. In fairness, I might have been more into Prime Day if the things I’d actually wanted went on sale.
Therefore, this week I wrote about going to the DMV and eating fake pasta. It seemed like the right thing to do to maintain balance. After all, this blog is my happy place and nothing makes me happier than…staying on the right side of the law and eating good food.
Here are some other things making me happy this week.
The picture of this recipe from This Mess Is Ours prompted me to buy cauliflower yesterday.
Unfortunately, I forgot the caesar dressing!
(image: This Mess Is Ours)
Thank goodness I never played the real spin-the-bottle game.
I like this idea for Spin the Bottle WAY better than the original and it is a fun idea for a girl’s birthday party.
When you spin the bottle (or in this case a tube of lip gloss), you get a fingernail painted in whatever color of polish the bottle lands on. At the end of the game, you should have a rainbow manicure. My daughter and her friends would have fun with this game.
(image: Hunted Interior)
This idea and SO MANY MORE are at Hunted Interior. You have to see the balloon garland she made.
This home’s entrance sure is pretty.
Why do I think they don’t have animals in that barn?
(image: Suzanna Scott for Luxe Magazine)
I used to walk by this spot almost everyday in Ireland. It’s called the Forty Foot and it’s a little area of the Irish Sea that during high tide becomes a swimming hole.
It was never warm enough in Ireland for me to even consider swimming in the ocean, but this summer Ireland has been having an epic heatwave. Seriously, right after I leave?
In case you’re wondering, my handstand game has never been nor ever will be this strong.
Also, the heatwave has been blanketing other parts of Europe too. In England, the heatwave is uncovering forgotten ruins: outlines of old homes, gardens, tombs and airstrips. You have to check this article in The Telegraph out! The pictures are fascinating.
I like this balloon idea because the creator of this centerpiece saw the balloon meant to be a moon from a different viewpoint.
Turn the moon on its side and now it is a boat!
This is such a good example of why we need people in this world with different backgrounds and perspectives. It’s how hard problems are solved.
(image: Hostess With The Mostess)
Full tutorial can be found at Hostess With The Mostess.
I have to admit. I can appreciate some silly humor and this post by Layla at The Lettered Cottage made me laugh.
Read her comments to see what she called a rest stop! I’m not telling my kids that one.
I have placemats on the brain because of a project I’ll tell you about soon. I just need to stop spending so much time at the lake take pictures so I can show you.
I like this abstract placemat from Target. It’s $4.99.
Not my colors, but these from World Market are so happy!
Guys. Pinch me. This picture. I can’t type.
Piano. Reclaimed wood. Piano. That ceiling. Piano. Those beams. That chandelier. That door.
(image: Norris Architecture)
And this is only THE ENTRY of this home. Go check out the whole darn thing at Norris Architecture. Also, prepare to lose a good chunk of your life just drooling over all of their design ideas.
Totally worth it.
“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”
– Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Thank you for being you and sharing part of your day (and lives) with me.
Happy Friday!
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