black painted doors
colonial farmhouse,  decorating

Painted Black Doors in our Colonial Farmhouse

Today I’m going to take you on a journey to the places in my home that now have painted black doors. Buckle up, buttercup because there’s a twist at the end of this story that you probably won’t guess!

Our Colonial Farmhouse has 19 doors. 26 doors if you count the closets. 29 doors if you count the unnecessary doors we removed.

Every single door is different.

Even if the doors look similar, they aren’t the same exact size or finish.

Some of the doors are painted. Some are stained.

I won’t paint a stained door in this particular house. I can’t.

It would physically cause me pain.

If I haven’t mentioned this before, I am very averse to pain.

I will, however, paint an already painted door.

This is mainly because I am averse to the pain the mental anguish that will inevitably come from trying to strip a painted door down to bare wood. I don’t have it in me right now.

If I decide to strip any of our painted doors down to bare wood at some point in the future, another layer of paint on top of the countless other layers of paint is not going to matter.


That was a long way of getting to the point of this post, which is I’ve started to paint some of the white painted doors in our home black.

Now that I’ve started, I want to paint ALL THE DOORS black.

I exaggerate slightly as I am prone to do frequently from time to time.

I’ve already said I won’t paint a stained door. I also don’t think the doors in our living room and music room would look good painted black.

See? I have limits.

But all the other doors are fair game.

I’ve already have five painted black doors. One of them is my front door and you saw that transformation in this post. There are four remaining doors that are candidates to be painted black.

Let’s take a peek at my progress.

Here’s the door to our pantry/laundry room.

black painted doors before

(As a side note, I live in fear of not putting the “R” in pantry. Spell check will not catch it and that will be an entirely different room!)

It had damage on one side from, I suspect, a dog clawing at the door. I repaired it as best I could, so not well at all. Then I just put lipstick on that pig paint on the door and called it good.

The front of the door, the side everyone sees, was in fine condition. Notice I did not say perfect condition. Do you know how old this house is? OLD.

Nothing is in perfect condition. Ha!

The black paint seems to anchor this side of the wall now. There’s no artwork on this particular kitchen wall to do that job, so the painted black door is carrying that burden for now.

And doing it admirably, I think.

black painted doors

The next doors that received the black paint treatment are in my son’s room.

Here’s how one of them started.

black painted doors before

This is how that same door looks now painted black.

I also painted the walls white.

Even with the black door his entire room feels lighter and brighter now.

black painted doors

I have a sneaky feeling that painting interior doors any color other than white is something that comes and goes with interior design trends.

Don’t be surprised if I change my mind and bid adieu to my painted black doors next year. In fact, I think the doors in my son’s room would look even better in a warm grey color.

How’s that for a plot twist?

The bottom line here is that I’m happy I painted these doors black because they make me love my home a little more today. Tomorrow I may change my mind and paint them a different color and that will make me happy too.

Room Sources:

Black Paint: Behr Limousine Leather

Wall Paint: Behr Arcade White

Trim Paint: Behr Bit of Sugar

Eagle Print: Thrifted

Wood Basketball Hoop: DIY. How-to here.

Black Wall Sconce: Amazon

*affiliate links in this blog post*

Thanks for hanging out with me today! Here are some other posts you might enjoy. 

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