splitting wedge decor ideas

Three Ways to Decorate with an Antique Splitting Wedge

Today I’m going to show you three splitting wedge decor ideas.

A splitting wedge for decorating? Seriously?

Yes, seriously.

You guys know I will decorate with most anything.

If you’ve never chopped wood, it’s hard work let me get you up to speed. Splitting wedges come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are used to help split large logs into smaller chunks when an ax alone can’t get the job done.

For the purposes of today’s post, I’m decorating with a rusty, weathered diamond splitting wedge. I should clarify that the diamond part of a diamond splitting wedge usually refers to the shape, as it can split wood in four directions.

I found the diamond splitting wedge stuck in a log on our property. I don’t know how long it had been out there, but it is safe to say years. It had rusted to a perfect patina and I knew I could do something with it besides the obvious splitting wood. 

It turns out I came up with not one, but three splitting wedge decor ideas. It was like the idea jackpot!

Here they are in no particular order:

Splitting Wedge Decor Ideas #1: Jewelry or Watch Holder

Need a spot to store or display your bracelets or watches?

Of course you do! 

The cone shape of the splitting wedge works perfect for this and since these bracelets are costume jewelry, I’m not worried about the potential for scratches.

splitting wedge decor ideas jewelry holder

When I was taking this picture, I wondered how I should display the bracelets?

Stacked nicely?

Color coded?

As you can see, haphazardly stacked won because that’s how I found the bracelets after using the splitting wedge as a bracelet holder for a week. 

Splitting Wedge Decor Ideas #2: Doorstop

I’ve propped doors open with many random items (heavy, size 12 work boots for the win), but I do love a cool-looking doorstop. 

Splitting wedges are made from steel and usually weigh between 4 and 5 pounds.

That’s heavy enough to hold a door open and it looks cool too!

splitting wedge decor ideas doorstop

Splitting Wedge Decor Ideas #3: Sculptural Piece for a Bookshelf or Table

I always like to display interesting sculptural pieces on bookshelves or accent tables. They can be items I’ve collected on my travels, things I’ve made, or in this instance, something I’ve found.

I like items that have a story and this splitting wedge is definitely a conversation starter.

It might be able to act as a bookend too.

splitting wedge decor ideas sculptural piece bookend

While my fount of creativity is still bubbling over, I do have two bonus ideas for how to decorate with a splitting wedge.

First, you could always use the splitting wedge as a paperweight for all that paper you need weighted down.

Second, this splitting wedge would make an awesome Christmas tree in a grouping with other trees. I’d pair it with my collection of ceramic Christmas trees. I seriously contemplated taking a picture of this idea for this post, but I’m too lazy to get the Christmas stuff out of the attic it’s too soon in the year for that!

If you have any other splitting wedge decor ideas for me, I would be so happy if you’d share! I’m sure I’m missing something obvious. 

P.S. Brand new splitting wedges come in a different colors, but they are usually coated with a something that prevents them from rusting. If you want to use this idea, I recommend finding an “antique” one that has been left out in the elements and developed a rusty patina. Maybe check your grandparents’ garage? Or, you can buy one on eBay for around $20. 

P.P.S. I found this short article from Chainsaw Journal on the history of splitting wedges pretty interesting. What can I say? I have eclectic reading tastes.

Thanks for reading about another one of my wacky ideas! Maybe it will spark someone’s creativity. Here are some other ideas that got my creative juices flowing:

Bus Stop Gardening Station

Rusty Machine turned Bird Bath

How to Mount Antlers on an Acrylic Base

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