colonial farmhouse barn spring on the happy list

3 Easy Ideas to Get You in the Mood For Spring

Hello! Today I’m sharing 3 easy ideas to get you in the mood for spring.

Plus, I have a housekeeping announcement. My kids have a couple of days off of school for a winter break of sorts, so I’m going to take the rest of this week off the blog to chill out with them.

You can still catch me on Instagram and Facebook stories this week though. Not sure what I’ll be up to, but we’ll find out together!

In the meantime, here are those 3 easy ideas to get you in the mood for spring.

Easy Idea #1: Plop some grocery store potted flowers in a basket.

It will take approximately 7 seconds to do this easy project and you’ll feel happy for days.

You don’t even need to take off the paper wrapper around the planter. After all, that keeps dirt and water out of your basket. Just trim it down low so that it’s hidden below the top of the basket.

flower basket centerpiece 3 Easy Ideas to Get You in the Mood For Spring

Easy Idea #2: Stain some wood eggs for Easter.

Easter with all its spring vibes will be here before we know it, so it’s not too soon to think about it.

There’s no right or wrong to this project (tutorial here), but if wood stain isn’t your thing, try watercolors on wood eggs instead.

wood stained easter eggs wood eggs 3 Easy Ideas to Get You in the Mood For Spring

Easy Idea #3: Hot glue rope to an ugly planter to jazz it up.

You could use twine, yarn, beaded garland, or even denim scraps to makeover an old planter too. Have fun with it!

rope planter 3 Easy Ideas to Get You in the Mood For Spring

Funny enough, I actually took my own advice in this blog post. That rarely happens. Ha!

A couple of days ago I bought myself some spring-feeling plants to plop into a larger vessel. Plus, I just ordered another set of wood Easter eggs so that I can play around with them.

The only thing I haven’t tackled yet is a planter makeover, but the week is still young! Who knows what will happen?

I hope you have the happiest of weeks.

I’ll see you back here next Monday with a fresh, new blog post!


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