Annisa Olsson Jones sitting on the front porch of a colonial farmhouse in new jersey double rockers for our porch
decorating,  gardening and landscape

Why We Chose Double Rockers For Our Porch

There is a new addition to our front porch. Double rockers! Double your fun.

(I grew up watching Doublemint gum commercials. I was compelled to say that.) 

Why did we choose double rockers over regular rocking chairs or a porch swing?

Great question. I’d love to tell you.

I have always wanted a big covered porch and this is the first house we’ve lived in that has a front porch big enough for porch sitting. Every romanticized image you can imagine of front porch sitting and front porch living has taken up residence in my brain for years and I have zero regrets about that.

I knew I wanted 4 rocking chairs on the front porch. Or a porch swing. Or two swings. Maybe a swing and 2 rocking chairs.

I was very decisive.

white farmhouse front porch with double rocking chairs double rockers for our porch

A porch swing was appealing because Handy Husband and I still like to sit next to each other after almost 25 years of marriage. Crazy, I know.

Crazy lucky and grateful.

However, our porch is a teensy bit narrow for a porch swing and I had these terrible visions of the kids banging the swing on the rail or the siding. It was disturbing my romanticized notion of how great it was going to be to sit on the front porch with a cup of coffee in the morning or an after dinner drink in the evening.

I couldn’t have that.

white farmhouse front porch with double rocking chairs double rockers for our porch

Therefore, four rocking chairs seemed like the right choice because there’s more than enough room for four rocking chairs on our front porch. Plus, there are four people in our family.

Everyone gets a seat.

Just not a seat right next to each other like on a porch swing.

Right as I was getting ready to push the “buy now” button to order four regular rocking chairs, the internet served up the solution to all my problems.

Ironic, since the internet is usually the source of most of my problems. Ha!

Double rockers.

I get the look and functionality of a rocking chair with the ability to sit right beside Handy Husband and hold hands while we scroll on our phones talk about our day.

The cherry on top of this romantic porch sitting sundae is that two double rockers is approximately half the price of 4 regular rocking chairs. So, I saved money too.

It was a good day to be me.

white farmhouse front porch with double rocking chairs double rockers for our porch

We’ve had the double rockers for a few weeks now and I told Handy Husband the other night that we were going to have rotate which rocking chair we sat in so that they wore equally.

That’s a good problem to have.

I’m also happy to report that real life porch sitting is way better than imagined porch sitting. I highly recommend trying it if you get the chance.

In fact, I think I’ll head out to the porch now and give it another go.

What do you think of rocking chairs and front porches? I’d love to know. You can always comment on this blog post, email us here, or reach out via Instagram or Facebook.

P.S. We purchased these double rockers from Walmart and had them shipped to the house. Handy  Husband and the kids assembled them and he said he was pleasantly surprised by the quality. I can’t yet speak to how well they will hold up over time though. The backs are pretty straight, so I wouldn’t sit in them all day but they are comfortable enough for the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee. That’s all I need, baby!

Thanks for being here today. Thanks for cheering us on. I love sharing ideas and stories with you. If you want another blog post to read, I can help you out. Try one of these.

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