Wood Music Stand Hits The Right Note and adds character and function to a music room

Wood Music Stand Hits The Right Note

I found the most gorgeous wood music stand to add to our music room.

Did we need it?

Absolutely not.

But is it perfect for this space?

Oh, yes. Yes, indeed.

Wood Music Stand Hits The Right Note and adds character and function to a music room

I’ve been idly looking for a music stand for years.

As a pianist, I don’t really need one because the piano comes with its own.

When I go through one of my “attempt to learn the guitar” phases, I usually just look at chords on my phone, so I don’t need a music stand for that. Although, it probably would help my posture to have the phone propped somewhere more ergonomically correct.

When it came down to it, I wanted a music stand for the sheer joy of it. This is the first home we’ve lived in where I feel like I do have more of a music room rather than just a spot where we keep the instruments.

I’m embracing that feeling.

Wood Music Stand Hits The Right Note and adds character and function to a music room

I have so many questions about this music stand.

Where did it come from? Who made it? When was it made?

All I know is that the seller told me the music stand was old, German, and that it was a music stand, not a lectern. There are some markings on the bottom of the stand but I haven’t been able to decipher them with any confidence.

None of that even matters because I love it. It’s so pretty. There’s no way we have the skills or the tools to make something like this in our garage workshop.

Antique music stands can be valued at hundreds even thousands of dollars. I paid $55.

I have a knack for getting a good deal not because I’m lucky but because I seem to want what no one else does. Haha! It’s a foolproof strategy.

Wood Music Stand Hits The Right Note and adds character and function to a music room

I’ll leave you with this quote. I don’t know who to attribute it to but my piano teacher had this saying framed and gifted to me decades ago.

Bach gave us God’s Word,
Mozart gave us God’s Laughter,
Beethoven gave us God’s Fire,
God gave us Music that we might pray without words

Well said.

Is music an important part of your life? Do you want what no one else likes at thrift stores too? Tell me everything. You can always comment on this blog post, email us here, or reach out via Instagram or Facebook.

I hope you have the happiest day.

P.S. Pretty much everything in these photos is either thrifted or made by us, so I don’t have sources for you if you see something you like. My apologies.

Thanks for sharing part of your day with me. I appreciate you. Here are some other blog posts you might enjoy.

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