how to display running medals and race bibs on an old door or cork board

How To Display Running Medals and Race Bibs

Do you know someone who is REALLY into running? Let me show you how to display running medals and race bibs in a fun, artistic way.

All you need is a cork board or an old door and some cork.

Now take the ever-growing collection of race bibs and running medals that are stuffed in every junk drawer, glove box, backpack, and coat closet you own and staple them to your cork board.

That’s it! It’s faster than running a 5k and, dare I say, far more enjoyable.

how to display running medals and race bibs on an old door or cork board

If you’re turning an old door into a cork board to display running medals and race bibs, it’s best to find an inset flat panel door. Or use a flat, hollow core door and add a strip of trim around the edges to make a frame. Then glue sheets of cork to the flat panel part of the door.

A sheet of cork is typically thick enough for a staple to grab onto. It might not be quite enough for a thumbtack or pushpin though.

If you notice from the pictures, the hinges are still on our door. That’s because in some of the homes we’ve lived in, we’ve hung the door horizontally on the wall by its hinges.

In this house, we don’t have wall space for that, so the running medal door leans against the wall vertically.

how to display running medals and race bibs on an old door or cork board

What I like about displaying running medals and race bibs on an old door is that it is an ever changing art display. We started out with a handful of race bibs and medals and now there are over 100 on this door.

That’s a lot of miles!

This running medal display is also a very visual reminder of my husband’s running accomplishments. He’s trained his body. He’s overcome mental and physical obstacles. He’s finished what he started. He should be proud of those things! I know I’m proud of him.

If he ever needs a reminder of how far he’s come in his health journey, all he has to do is look at this door and it will give him more motivation than those energy gels runners like to consume during a race.

Have you ever run a race? Or would you only run if being chased by a zombie? I’d love to know. Please leave a comment on this blog post, email us here, or reach out via Instagram or Facebook.

Happy running!

P.S. Please keep in mind that we don’t have little kids or pets in the house, so we feel comfortable displaying something with staples and/or pushpins low to the ground.

P.P.S. You would not want to use this solution on a working door. It would be bumped all the time, which could cause the bibs or medals to fall off.

Thanks for being here today! I hope you have a fantastic day. If you’d like something else to read, I’ve got you covered. Try one of these.

That ONE Time I Did a Trail Run

I Spy Gnome Houses On a Bike Trail

How To Crew For an Ultra Marathon Runner


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