
  • scrapbook paper flower garland hanging over a navy blue sunporch and blooming geraniums spring party decor wedding shower decor
    Crafts,  decorating

    Paper Flower Garland

    Who’s ready for a party? This girl is because I have the happiest paper flower garland hanging up ready for a celebration. What are we celebrating? Longer daylight hours. Daffodils popping out of the ground. The new season of Reacher. A really good night’s sleep. Anything and everything is a cause for celebration these days. Those are the rules. Take your joy where you can get it, folks. Speaking of things that bring me joy, I have proclaimed loudly and often that I am not a garland person and, yet, I seem to come up with excuses for making garlands and hanging them up in my house. Need evidence? I…

  • paper flowers decorating a spring fireplace decor

    Scrapbook Paper Flowers – Spring Fireplace Decor

    Let’s talk scrapbook paper flowers and all the ways you can use them to decorate your home. I’m craving the color of spring flowers, but it still looks like winter in New Jersey. So, I do what I often do. Fake it till spring arrives I make it. This time, I used scrapbook paper flowers to decorate my dining room fireplace for spring. It looks like I’m ready for spring now, doesn’t it? I still have snow shovels by the front door, but that’s a little detail we don’t need to dwell on. What you need to make scrapbook paper flowers: Scrapbook Paper (I used this paper, but you can use…

  • vintage floral easter eggs using temporary tattoos temporary tattoos applied to wood easter eggs
    Crafts,  decorating,  holidays

    Vintage Floral Easter Eggs Using Temporary Tattoos

    Breaking Crafting News! I made vintage-looking floral Easter eggs using temporary tattoos. Yes, temporary tattoos…for that vintage look. HA! Until last week, I had lived my whole life not knowing that temporary tattoos can transfer to items other than skin. I saw a video of someone customizing sneakers using temporary tattoos. Do you know what’s related to sneakers? Not wood Easter eggs! But that’s where my brain went, and I needed to see if that technique would apply to Easter eggs. Spoiler: It works beautifully. This is a game changer for someone who can’t paint to save her life. Fake it till you make it, which is kind of the…

  • Crafts,  DIY

    Reclaimed Copper Tile Tray

    I have a DIY reclaimed copper tile tray to share with you today that has the coolest backstory. First, did you know copper tiles were a thing? Actual metal tiles. I did not until I found them hidden under some drywall in our kitchen! We could see a sliver of them and their glorious copper sheen when we replaced some trim. For many reasons, we did not demo the wall to see how many copper tiles were hiding back there or what condition they were in. Yes, this was disappointing in the short term, but now I know there’s something to look forward to – besides the extra work –…

  • DIY rustic wood hearts

    7 Heart Crafts To Make Out of Wood That Aren’t Cheesy

    We are rapidly approaching February, the month of love. But why wait? You can start spreading love around now with these 7 heart crafts made out of wood. These heart crafts will give you all the mushy feelings, but these are not cheesy crafts for kids. They are fun, festive, and a few might even be a bit refined. I think you’ll love them. Here we go… Heart Planters Instead of gifting over-priced cut flowers that will die in a week, gift a plant in a heart-shaped planter that should last longer than a week…as long as someone remembers to water it. I created a free template to use for…

  • diy embroidered flower christmas ornaments
    Crafts,  holidays

    Embroidered Flower Christmas Ornaments

    I know it’s not expected to have a Christmas tree decorated with embroidered flower ornaments, especially flowers that aren’t holiday-centric like poinsettias. That’s part of the fun. I’ve seen ornaments for poop emojis, Starbucks cups, pickles, and pretty much any hobby and place that exists, so embroidered flower ornaments shouldn’t be all that controversial in our kitschy world. I started making embroidered flower ornaments almost a year ago in January. I received a flower embroidery kit for Christmas and had so much fun that I ordered more frames and fabric and kept stitching. Was I planning ahead? Am I THAT on top of things? Yes. Let’s go with that. Kidding!…

  • Antique Doorknob Christmas Trees
    Crafts,  holidays

    Antique Doorknob Christmas Trees

    I knew I was saving antique doorknobs for something. I didn’t think it would be to make doorknob Christmas trees. The magic and creativity of Christmas is neverending. There is no need for me to write an elaborate tutorial on how to make antique doorknob Christmas trees because it’s pretty self-explanatory. Borrow a tiny fake tree from your children’s toy stash. Model trees kids use to decorate dioramas for those dreaded class projects are perfect. Stick the tiny fake tree in an antique doorknob. If your tree looks as if it’s blowing in the wind and won’t stand up straight you can wrap some tape or paper around the stem…

  • cardboard gingerbread house christmas mantel
    Crafts,  decorating,  holidays

    Cardboard Gingerbread House Christmas Mantel

    I don’t want a lot for Christmas. There is just one thing I need…to do something with all of our cardboard recycling. So, I hummed myself a little Mariah Carey tune and decked out our dining room fireplace with a cardboard gingerbread house Christmas mantel. My Amazon boxes have never looked better. I’m not joking about those Amazon boxes, I used cardboard boxes and cereal boxes to make the gingerbread houses on my Christmas mantel. I cut out house shapes and then used a white paint pen to decorate the houses. A white colored pencil would have worked too. It was as easy and as tedious as that. It was…

  • denim christmas tree up cycled denim christmas tree using a safety cone
    Crafts,  holidays

    Denim Christmas Trees – Festive Upcycle Project

    It was only a matter of time before I made denim Christmas trees. After all, I’ve made denim pumpkins, denim cord holders, a denim turkey, denim bunting, denim pennants, denim hanging loops for towels, and a denim 4th of July wreath. I’m the Bubba Gump Shrimp of denim projects. You’d think I’d have run out of denim to repurpose for crafts but, between you and me, one pair of my husband’s jeans goes a long way. Now it’s your turn to make denim Christmas trees and today I’m going to show you how. Please note that I love a versatile craft and you can make these denim Christmas trees with…

  • boo halloween mantel with hand painted boo sign, paper bats, and branches
    Crafts,  decorating,  holidays

    Boo! Halloween Mantel

    It’s a boo-tiful day to share my Halloween mantel with you! That ghost pun was cheekily intended because the boo sign I painted is the centerpiece of this year’s Halloween mantel. It is simple, playful, and won’t take up hardly any space in storage! I enjoy the fun of Halloween and, let’s be honest, the candy too. I don’t do scary though. Nope. Not my thing. I’ll pass on the haunted houses. I don’t even like going into my attic after dark. I’ll stick with a sugar rush and leave the adrenaline rush to the rest of you ghouls. Speaking of ghosts and ghouls, I have heard some stories about…