handful of wheat

6 Ways To Decorate With Wheat

I looked around our dining room earlier this month and realized it was full of wheat decor, which is definitely better than it being full of…other things. So let’s talk about 6 ways to decorate with wheat this fall.

First things first. You can buy dried wheat at many different places such as your local craft store, a floral shop, or online. I’ve even seen dried wheat at farmer’s markets. I have one bunch of wheat from a florist in Ireland. Yes, that wheat came home with me when we moved back to the U.S. How’s that for priorities?

I also bought a bunch of wheat stalks on Amazon. Also, priorities.

Here are 6 ways to decorate with wheat. Some of these ideas are mine. I’ve also found a few other ideas that inspired me and will hopefully inspire you too.

Ways To Decorate With Wheat: Go rustic.

Do you have an old pitcher or bucket? Or any other vessel that has some patina to it? Go ahead and plop a bunch of dried wheat in this container and feel the vibe in your house instantly change to autumn.

My wheat is in an old copper pitcher on my mantel. I like things in groupings of three, so I’ve placed the pitcher next to a fall-themed painting and a mini pumpkin.

6 Ways To Decorate With Wheat display dried wheat in a rustic pitcher

Ways To Decorate With Wheat: Hang it upside down. 

Bundle up a bunch of wheat with ribbon and hang it upside down anywhere you like!

I’ve hung mine from an antique grate, but it would also look good on a peg rail, as an addition to a gallery wall, or as a wreath alternative on an interior door.

6 Ways To Decorate With Wheat hang wheat upside down and tied with a ribbon

These particular wheat stalks have embroidery floss wrapped around their stems and secured with glue to give them an added punch of color. Read about that here.

Ways To Decorate With Wheat: Wreaths are always the right choice. 

For the crafty ones among us, I think you could make your own wheat wreath. However, unless you live next to a wheat field, it might be easier and less expensive to just buy a wreath from Etsy.

I love this wheat wreath that incorporates pinecones because I think you could use it in January and February too as a winter wreath.

vancortlandt farms wheat wreath via etsy ways to decorate with wheat

(image: Vancortland Farms via Etsy)

Ways To Decorate With Wheat: Make a design.

I have never tried to braid or weave wheat, but wow, I am inspired by all the artists who can do this.

Check out this wheat star! Something like this would look so neat hanging on your wall, especially if you have a dark wall color.

craftsouvenirs art via etsy wheat star ways to decorate with wheat

(image: Craftsouvenirs Art via Etsy)

Ways To Decorate With Wheat: Get artistic.

Not into actual wheat? Gluten-free in your house? Well, how about an art print then?

I love how this print by Raw Art Nature on Etsy works for homes with a modern, minimalist, or bohemian style.

raw art nature wheat art via etsy ways to decorate with wheat

(image: Raw Art Nature via Etsy)

Ways To Decorate With Wheat: Go glam.

I like the juxtaposition of something natural with something glam.

Here I have wheat in a brass vase. The brass vase is just a little fancier than the wheat, so the two balance each other out. It’s the decorating version of a little bit country, a little bit rock-n-roll.

6 Ways To Decorate With Wheat make a centerpiece with dried wheat in a glam vase

What do you think of these 6 ways to decorate with wheat? Is your dining room filled with wheat decor like mine is?

You can always comment on this blog post (I have to approve it first before it appears), email me here, or reach out via Instagram or Facebook.

Happy Fall!

P.S. I save my dried wheat to use year after year. I typically place the stalks in a large Ziploc bag or wrap them up in plastic wrap and lay then lay them on a flat surface so that the stalks don’t bend or break.

P.P.S. I bought these wheat stalks off Amazon, which was so much cheaper than buying them from my local grocery store’s floral department.

Thanks for being here today! I love sharing ideas with you. Here are some other blog posts you might enjoy.

13 Fall Wreaths Now That It Is Finally September

9 Pumpkin Crafts To Make This Fall

Our Not Quite Fall Front Porch

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