
  • education

    Books My Kids Are Reading Part 2

    The other day my 6-year-old son was standing in front of his bookshelf and I hear him holler out, “Mom! You need to get me some history books!” I was so shocked to hear this come out of his mouth since he spends most of his time talking about farts, Legos and Minecraft that I didn’t even mind that he forgot to use the word please. I have no idea what prompted this declaration, but the next time we go to the library we’ll be sure to head straight for the history section. In the meantime, here are some books my kids and I have read together recently that they loved –…

  • education,  Family

    Morning Affirmations for Kids

    Have you ever muttered under your breath “you can do this, you’ve got this, you can figure it out, let’s get this done” before a big interview, or the first day at a new job, or when you have to take your kids for shots, or when you have to roll out of bed and you know there’s no coffee in the house? It’s a mini pep talk! Saying it out loud somehow makes it real and helps us commit to the endeavor. At the very least is helps us kick our behinds into gear. Or the coffee does… Image source) Have you seen those videos floating around the Internet…

  • education

    Books My Kids Are Reading Now

    My 9-year-old is a bookworm and I’m hopeful my 6-year-old will become one too. His reading abilities have exploded in the last few months. We go to the library weekly – sometimes daily for homework – and here are some books we’ve been reading together this month. Knitbone Pepper – Ghost Dog My kids loved this book – especially my daughter. If you have a pet you love, then you can probably relate to the story. It might even explain some of those strange sounds in your house?! Danny the Champion of the World With the recent celebrations at our local library and the release of the movie BFG, my kids have discovered…

  • education,  Ireland

    Moving to Ireland: Primary School 101

    Editor’s Note August 2018: New legislation passed in July 2018 will greatly change the school admission’s process in Ireland. For all of you American expats moving to Ireland with kids in school year 2019/20, I think (and hope) your life will get a little bit easier. I’ve tried to note in the below story where my experiences would now be different when the new legislation takes effect.  Last week my kids started school. In a foreign country. I am the first to admit, over the course of my children’s lives, I have spent way too much time worrying thinking about their education. I really thought, at least as it relates…

  • education,  Family,  Ireland

    Moving to Ireland: First Week of School

    PHEW! We survived the first day of school. It’s the second day that’s the real killer. And the day after. And the…you get my point. via GIPHY It’s been an awesome summer. It’s also been a long, long summer. My kids were ready to be with their own kind. I was ready for them to be with their own kind – for at least a few hours a day. I was nervous dropping them off though! So nervous. My jazz hands were working overtime that morning to make sure my neuroses didn’t rub off on my kids. Fake it ’til you make it! The first day of school is always a…

  • Crafts,  education

    Tips for Paper-Mâché School Projects

    Three times this year my laid-back 3rd grader came home from school with a list of projects she could choose from: make a model/diorama, dress up as a historical character and reenact a key event, do a powerpoint presentation, etc. Me: Powerpoint presentations are fun! How about a Powerpoint? Daughter: I think I’d like to make a paper-mâché model of (insert whatever topic it was). Me: Great! Super great! That’s cool too, I guess. You’re really missing out on this PowerPoint thing though. Daughter: I don’t think so. Me: (thinking to myself) The ONE time I don’t want her to be an over-achiever and she picks that moment to be one. Well, that backfired.…