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    Please Hold. Projects in Progress.

    I had a totally amazing makeover planned to share with you today. Then this happened. I’m a chalk paint idiot. It’s supposed to be foolproof. I guess they didn’t test it on this fool. It will probably take me 137 additional years to finish this project now. I have some other excuses for not getting this project done too. My son vomited. My husband was out of town. I burned my fingers on the hot glue gun. I couldn’t find the staples for the staple gun. These things are all true. So what. In the grand scheme of things, they don’t even make a blip on the radar. Today I’m going…

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    I Didn’t Expect You’d Read That…

    Happy New Year! Woohoo! Until recently we lived on the West Coast and could ring in the New Year on East Coast time. Now that we live on the East Coast, well…there goes a perfectly good plan. In other news, I’m going to be an excellent senior citizen! I’m still enjoying winter break with the kids. They don’t go back to school until January 6, but I’m popping in today to share how dang surprised I was to learn what actually gets read on this little piece of the Internet. My on-going hate-hate relationship with my sewing machine is ironically what created my most-read post thus far in the history of the…

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    Black Friday

    To all of you out there braving the cold and the lines on Black Friday. God bless you. I just can’t do it. The lines. The people. The lines. The people. I’m not strong enough. Besides, I have Amazon. 😉 Here are some things that have been kid-approved in our household this year. BOOK: Pip Bartlett’s Guide to Magical Creatures My 8-year-old daughter LOVED this book and thought it was hilarious. We read a lot of it aloud together and it is a fascinating world for a young mind. TOY: Ninja Nunchaku Toy Weapons I have a 5-year-old boy. Need I say more? These are foam and I speak from experience when…

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    Technical Difficulties

    Of course the day I am away from the computer ALL DAY LONG is the day that the website goes down for who knows what reason. Thanks for hanging in there with me. After duking it out with our hosting provider, everything is back up and running now. I think. Hopefully I will be back tomorrow with my regularly scheduled post because IT’S A GOOD ONE! I’m happily uploading photos now! Share this:

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    Things That Make Me Happy #1

    Hello! I thought I would start a periodic series about the random things that are making me happy at one particular moment in time. Here it goes… 1. This powerful letter from a teacher to parents about THAT kid in the class. The one you are worried is going to disrupt your child’s learning process, take away from instructional time your child will get with the teacher or maybe even hurt your child. 2. This song “Beautiful Day“…about making each day beautiful and remembering you are alive! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phAMNprBKY8 3. Another song by Rachel Platten! About those times you need to dig deep and be strong to reach your goals.   4. Watercolor hearts picture on…

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    The Jacket I Love So Much I Bought It Twice

    Here’s the deal with me. When I like something, I really, really like it. It’s probably a good thing I don’t experience this phenomenon regularly. This admission leads me to my present obsession and a post full of awkward selfies taken in my powder room. I was looking for a jacket with a hood late last year and I found some snazzy jackets online. Of course, they all cost one bazillion dollars plus a hair from the mane of a magical, pink unicorn. So, I started searching on Amazon because as an Amazon Prime member, I get free shipping and they make returns easy. That’s not an advertisement, just my experience. Plus, I’m allergic to large…

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    My Favorites from 2014

    I started blogging in March of 2014 and by the end of the year I had posted over 100 times. Holy cow! Who knew I was so wordy  had so much to share? While I get back in the swing of the things after the holidays, I thought I’d share some of my favorite posts from the past year. You know, just in case you missed them. Ha! These are not in any particular order and I’m feeling a little like I’ve been asked to pick my favorite child. It’s impossible! Arrow-Shaped Growth Chart I love this growth chart because we used scrap wood, so it was free, but also…

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    Happy Christmas

    Happy Christmas Everyone! The song that has been stuck in my head the entire month of December is I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day. My favorite rendition of it so far is by the group, MercyMe. I wish you and yours the happiest of days. I will be spending time with my family between now and the New Year, so I will be posting more sporadically than my usual Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule. Thank you for indulging me and for being a part of my world. Happy Christmas. Share this:

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    Gift Ideas for Him

    Are you a Black Friday mall shopper? A last-minute shopper? Or an online shopper? We do most of our holiday shopping and an increasing amount of our day-to-day shopping on Amazon. I just find it more convenient and less of a headache. Crowding into the mall with a bunch of harried shoppers does not a festive, holiday atmosphere make – for me. My friends never know what to get their male-counterparts, so I thought you might like to know what my husband loves. All of these items came from Amazon (affiliate links below), but I’m sure you can get them elsewhere too. PORTABLE WIRELESS BLUETOOTH SPEAKER I’m listening to Christmas music…

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    Recipes to Try

    Sometimes I see recipes online that I think look cool, but are they worth the effort? Or are they really as good as the blogger or reviewer says they are? There are some duds out there. Shocking, I know! Here are some things I’ve made lately that I can vouch for! CINNAMON ROLL APPLE PIE by Inspired By Charm I had to try this pie because it looked so unique. How cool is that crust? It wasn’t hard to make either and I used homemade crust. The recipe calls for store bought crust. Yes, I’m weird, but I like to practice making pie crust. I don’t make pies all the time, so…