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    Don’t Freak Out! Website Changes!

    Hello my favorite people! I’m popping in today to say don’t freak out because the website looks different. I’m the only one who needs to be freaking out! I was trying to add/improve functionality for my mobile readers behind-the-scenes and well, one thing led to another and I pushed the pretty flashing button that said “activate.” It turns out that button changed how everything looked! Why can’t I have one of those buttons when I’m trying to get ready in the morning? I’m not sure if the site is staying this way or not. I need to work out a bunch of bugs, which is my least favorite thing to…

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    Happy New Year!

    Hello, hello! I hope you had a fun time ringing in (or sleeping through) the New Year! If you’ve been following me on Instagram (@aprettyhapppyhome) you’ll know we are off on a grand adventure. It has been our quest while living in Ireland to see as much of Europe as we can. In this trip alone we will cross three more countries off our list. We won’t have time to do a deep dive into each of the areas we are visiting, but the highlights are pretty fantastic! I’m taking a break from blogging this week to continue with our adventures. I’ll be back next week to tell you all…

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    Happy List: #38

    It’s Friday and my week has had more drama than usual, so I feel ready to EXHALE and regroup. On Monday I shared my happy little golf ball pumpkins. The hardest part about this craft is waiting for the paint to dry. On Wednesday I shared the books my kids read over the summer. One of our favorite books involved a Flying Diaper. What’s not to love about that? Here’s a big dose of the random things this week that made me smile, nod or say, “That’s such a great idea!” FREE PRINTABLE – ENJOY THE LITTLE THINGS Here’s an AMAZING free printable for you all. It was designed by…

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    Thank Goodness for Easter Break

    Hello, everyone! I hope you had a lovely Easter. Spring Break in the Republic of Ireland is actually called Easter Break and it takes place the week before and the week after Easter. In fact, today is a bank holiday, which means the adults get the day off too. Hurray! We are more than ready for a break from our routine. Because there’s nothing like a break from your routine to make you appreciate your routine! I’m taking the week off from blogging to spend the remainder of Easter Break doing family stuff. Adventures and, hopefully, an abundance of sunshine are in store for us! As the sign on my local…

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    Recipes to Try

    Do you ever get in a recipe rut? I do, but that’s mainly because I could eat tacos five nights a week. Okay, it’s 7 nights a week, but who’s counting? Unfortunately, the children in my household aren’t as enamored with tacos as I am. Clearly, I’ve gone wrong somewhere in their child-rearing. I ran across 3 intriguing recipes recently. One of them I tried and loved. Two of them I haven’t tried yet, but for mainly legit reasons. Read on and I’ll justify my inaction… NIGHT CEREAL: SAVORY QUINOA RECIPE I use quinoa in my Dave’s Killer Bread CopyCat Recipe, but other than that, I don’t cook with it regularly.…

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    Feeling the Buzz{Feed}

    Folks, this might be my Oscars moment. Naturally, I prepared a speech. I’d like to thank the people who told me sewing was a piece of cake. It probably is if you actually do it more than once in a blue moon and your bobbin thread isn’t a hot mess. I’d like to thank the people who chuckled when I explained what I could do with Liquid Stitch and iron-on hem tape. Admit it, my no-sew felt pillows and Christmas pillow were pretty cool. I’d like to thank the people who said sewing just takes a little bit of patience – something that’s clearly not in my repertoire. So, please, for the love of…

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    Spring Break

    Woohoo! It’s Spring Break here in Georgia! Is it just me or are we the last in the country to have Spring Break? Regardless, we’ll take it! Photo Credit: Meg Davidson Photography I’m taking off this week to spend adventuring with our happy little family! Try not to miss me too much, okay? Share this:

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    Please Hold. Projects in Progress.

    I had a totally amazing makeover planned to share with you today. Then this happened. I’m a chalk paint idiot. It’s supposed to be foolproof. I guess they didn’t test it on this fool. It will probably take me 137 additional years to finish this project now. I have some other excuses for not getting this project done too. My son vomited. My husband was out of town. I burned my fingers on the hot glue gun. I couldn’t find the staples for the staple gun. These things are all true. So what. In the grand scheme of things, they don’t even make a blip on the radar. Today I’m going…

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    I Didn’t Expect You’d Read That…

    Happy New Year! Woohoo! Until recently we lived on the West Coast and could ring in the New Year on East Coast time. Now that we live on the East Coast, well…there goes a perfectly good plan. In other news, I’m going to be an excellent senior citizen! I’m still enjoying winter break with the kids. They don’t go back to school until January 6, but I’m popping in today to share how dang surprised I was to learn what actually gets read on this little piece of the Internet. My on-going hate-hate relationship with my sewing machine is ironically what created my most-read post thus far in the history of the…