
Way Back Wednesday – Oregon House

Since we will be traveling to Oregon soon for a visit – our first since moving to Georgia – I thought I’d show you some more photos of our last home in Oregon.

We will be visiting friends who live on the same road we used to, so we will definitely be driving by the old homestead. I’m wondering if the kids will “get it” that the house isn’t ours anymore. I know my daughter will, but my 4-year old, who knows. He’s already decided we’ve been in our Georgia house for too long and it’s time to move!

(These photos are courtesy of Charles Price Photography, our realtor’s photographer.)

Moving does have it’s advantages though. The sense of adventure, the newness of an area. It’s very exciting. Plus all of the purging and organizing of your home before a move. I do love that.

Here’s a secret. I never finished sewing the curtains. Yep, we sold a house with unfinished curtains. The brown panel on the bottom was held up with straight pins on a few of the panels. Oops! 🙂 I wonder if they’ve noticed?

When we bought this house, the bathroom – I kid you not – had one wall that was school bus yellow, one wall that was Christmas tree tree, one wall that was magenta, one wall that was blue. The counter top was purple laminate. You can’t just walk into Home Depot and by a purple laminate countertop with a double sink hole off-the-shelf. No, no. You have to special order that bad boy.

Oh, and the tub was the original baby blue.

You could have a seizure just by walking in and being assaulted by all the different colors. I wish I was exaggerating the enormity of the hideousness. I’m not even sure I have a picture of it.

Needless to say, I had to cleanse the palate. There were a lot of things I’d do different now, but this was from 4 years ago. I’m itching to do a bathroom with penny tile or subway tile.

We’re looking forward to visiting our friends and family in Oregon soon. Our happiest memories aren’t of places or things, but of the people we shared the memories with. These folks are the same ones who add so much value and joy to our lives today. I’m very thankful for them.

P.S. Why don’t they turn the lights off for real estate listing photos?

Here are other photos from our Oregon house! Eons ago. Eons.

Oregon House – Bedrooms

Oregon House – Kitchen

Oregon House – Exteriors and Landscape

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  • Jen Y

    The bathroom colors sound like Jeff Gordan’s old rainbow car(NASCAR) – I caught that because my son was a huge Jeff Gordan fan as hew as growing up. When he was about 8 yrs old we painted his room the rainbow car colors – one wall a different color. Yes, very overwhelming.

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