Crafts,  decorating

Leather Wrapped Basket Handle

I may have to ditch my felt obsession and move on to leather cording.

Kidding, kidding. Felt, I will always love you.

I have a large, but plain, black basket that is currently pulling duty as the keeper of random books in our living room. I’d say the basket dates back to approximately 2 B.C. That’s 2 years Before Children.

I have a vague recollection of that time in my life. I believe it involved power lunches and sleeping in on Saturdays…and Sundays.


Anyway, one day last week, the basket really started to bug me. I think it’s the brain’s way of saying you can’t control the twists and turns of life, but you can makeover your baskets.

Off to the store I went! I found some leather cording at Micheal’s for $5.99. I used a 40% off coupon though, so with tax it was $3.81. Not bad for some DIY therapy.


By the way, Micheal’s doesn’t know me from the next mom in line who is constantly saying “no” to her children who want all the crap they have for sale by their checkout counters – especially the Beanie Babies. GAH!!!

I guess this rant means Micheal’s won’t be calling anytime soon. GAH!!!

This was a teeny tiny, two-minute project using leather cording and hot glue.

I secured one end of the cord with hot glue and started wrapping it around the basket’s handle. When I reached the end, I cut the cord to size and secured that end of cord with hot glue too.

Done and done. I LOVE IT!

My brain felt so much better after this little project! Best of all, if I want to do something different with the basket at some point in the future, say in 12 A.C. (after children), it will be easy to switch it out.

After all, Micheal’s did have a lot of different color options in leather cording… turquoise, perhaps???


The hardest part of this whole project (besides finding the glue gun) was to stop myself from wrapping EVERYTHING in leather cording.


I had to give myself a stern lecture. You know how I tend to get obsessed with things.

If your brain needs a happy little respite from the curveballs of life, try this project. It’s therapist-approved. If by therapist, you mean me, a non-therapist.

Here are some other projects you might enjoy!

Leather Map from Old Boots (yes, you read that right)

Hide a Modem and Router in a Basket

Hide Computer Cords with a Shower Curtain

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