one year without throw pillows

One Year Without Throw Pillows

Slap on your party hats because today is an important anniversary.

I am celebrating one year without throw pillows!

Yes, I know it’s a weird thing to celebrate.

I am a little weird though, so just roll with it!

I have been a card-carrying member of Team Throw Pillow my entire adult life. I love how throw pillows look. I love how they can quickly change the vibe of your space. I love that they aren’t super expensive. I love the cushiony effect throw pillows provide.

But guess what?

I’ve also been harboring a grudge against throw pillows for the entire time that I’ve been on Team Throw Pillow.

See, I think the main purpose of throw pillows is to look pretty on a couch, chair or bed.

Everyone else in my family disagrees.

When throw pillows are used as actual pillows, or as cushions, or as walls for a fort, or as stepping stones in an imaginary game, they get dirty and wrinkled and lose their shape.

They just do.

And I don’t like picking throw pillows up off the floor and fluffing them every. single. day.

I just don’t.

Not in this season of my life.

When we moved into this house I had throw pillows, but no furniture to sit on. That’s totally backwards, I know. You can read why here and here.

While I waited to purchase a couch, I tucked my throw pillow collection away in a kitchen cupboard. Which cupboard? That annoying one above the refrigerator that no one can reach unless they are 7-ft. tall. I had extra cupboard space and it seemed like a good place for them at the time.

one year without throw pillows

I thought I might pull the throw pillows out and make use of them after our couch arrived, but I didn’t.

The truth? I didn’t miss them and no one else in my family seemed to miss them either.

I was just waiting for Handy Husband to say, “Do you know what this house needs? Throw pillows. MORE THROW PILLOWS!”

But he never did.

Plus, I didn’t think our new couch needed throw pillows to make it look prettier. So the pillows remained tucked away in the cupboard.

It’s been a year without throw pillows and I don’t miss them. I don’t miss them on our bed. I don’t miss them on the couch. I no longer get disgruntled about having to pick up the pillows that inevitably get tossed on the floor. Or have to explain over and over to my family which throw pillows are just for show.

one year without throw pillows

Now, if you come over to my house next year and it looks like I’ve started a throw pillow factory, just roll with that too.

It feels good to embrace the season of life I’m in. To simplify where it makes sense to simplify. To remove minor annoyances, so I can focus on more important things.

Right now, not having throw pillows makes me happier than picking throw pillows up off the floor everyday. Tomorrow…who knows?

Until then, my collection of throw pillows (minus a couple of pillow covers) is being donated and maybe someone else will make better use of them than I have for the past year.

Now, for the record, I’m still on Team Throw Blanket! Never met a blanket I didn’t love!

Except for the ratty blanket one of my children dragged around for years.

P.S. Still loving our leather couch from Amazon’s Rivet line. This one is similar.

If you enjoyed this post, you must be a rebel too! Here are some other posts you might enjoy.

That time I tried to figure out how to make a new cushion for a rattan swivel chair.

That time my kiddo painted the cutest place card holders.

That time Handy Husband made the grossest looking, but most delicious potato salad.


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  • Sandy Smith

    I have a lot of throw pillows that I don’t use. They are in the closet of the quest room. My mother made most of them and I feel guilty when I think of passing them on. I don’t have any on my furniture. The ones you are donation are really pretty.

    • annisa

      I’d say having a sentimental attachment would make the decision much harder. If there is a way to repurpose your mom’s pillows by turning the covers into a quilt or by framing them that might be a solution. I have some things from great parents that I know those ladies intended to be used, but over time the fabric becomes fragile, so now these quilts (mainly) get hung up on a blanket ladder, but not actually used.

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