yellow tulips in milk bottle on the happy list
happy list

Happy List: #199

Hello! Welcome to today’s Happy List! 

This week on the blog I shared the DIY Rustic Wood Hearts I made. Despite my jokes about how they turned out, I really do like them. I’ve been trying to think of a way to maybe date them or use them to acknowledge or remember special moments. 

I also shared the new Wedding Anniversary Card tradition that Handy Husband and I are starting tomorrow. I did finally tell him about this new tradition and he was SO relieved. Hahahahaha! 

It is sometimes nice to get the words expressing love from your partner, but that man SHOWS me every dang day how much he loves me with his actions. I’m very blessed. 

Once again, here is your weekly invite to join me on Instagram or Facebook. I love to connect with you here and there. Please keep in mind that I only check Facebook messages once a day during the week, but I am all over those Instagram messages. 

Now, here’s the Happy List!


I just found the neatest online print shop called M.C. Pressure with stationary that made me snicker quietly at my desk. I would have laughed out loud, but there are too many people on Google Meets here!

I thought this particular notepad had the right idea! 

MC Pressure Mini Accomplishments notepad on the happy list

(image: M.C. Pressure)


There’s not a barn house (new or old) that I don’t love. 

This is a new build by architect Gil Schafer and there are so many ideas to be had in the full collection of pictures. The old meets new kitchen gave me some ideas for our someday kitchen remodel and the gardens are especially lovely. 

barn house gil schafer photography by Eric Piasecki via the Nordroom on the happy list

(image: via The Nordroom, design by Gil Schafer, landscape architect: Mohr & Seredin & photography by Eric Piasecki)


This was the most beautiful story of friendship. Did you see it yet?

I got teary-eyed at the end. It’s definitely worth the 2 1/2 minutes of your time. 

If the YouTube video doesn’t load, here is the direct link.


Did you know Home Depot sells unfinished furniture? If you are searching, just be aware that the International Concepts brand of unfinished furniture is also available on Amazon, so check your prices.

Theoretically, unfinished furniture should be cheaper than finished furniture. Although, it’s hard to compete with big box stores.

When I scrolled through there were some items that would definitely save you money if you wanted to do the finishing yourself. Others pieces not so much.

I am buying two unfinished things that were the same price as buying them finished at Target, but I will be able to finish them exactly how I want. I’m also hoping the wood quality is a little better than what I could buy at Target. So, tradeoffs. 

I’ll keep you posted! 

international concepts home depot unfinished chairs on the happy list

P.S. These chairs are not what I bought. I just thought they were cool. 


The acoustics in a grain bin are pretty incredible.

If the video doesn’t load, here is a direct link.


This clever DIY by Diane at In My Own Style to add woven placemats to the front of her nightstand drawers looks SO HIGH END.

She has an entire, detailed tutorial and you should check it out and see all the before and after pictures.

woven front to nightstand by in my own style on the happy list

(image: In My Own Style)

If you caught my stories last weekend, I used her tutorial to add a placemat to the bottom of a wood tray. It was a fun, quick craft!


NPR crowd-sourced a poem and it’s long, but amazing. I loved it so much. It is worth a click to read through the entire thing, but I’ll share the first part with you here.

This Is Our Dream

I dream a world that sounds like a gentle “good morning,”
like “sleep tight” at the end of the day,
like Ella scatting,
a world filled with a universal song.
A hallelujah of joyous rejoicing, in this moment’s gift of life.

I dream a world in color,
Where nature’s artist takes the lead.
Clear, blue oceans and vibrant reefs,
and all creatures thrive with what they need.

Where peace floats from every direction.
Where it’s not too late to change the people who hate.
Where race and color are not what the scales weigh.
Where the root of all evil is pulled up,
and the rain pours down until the ground swells with fertile soil.
Where potential is the currency of the day,
and you can be able to see what’s next
without being scared.

I dream of that world
The one that lifts the silenced souls from shackles.
Where vision cannot be smothered beneath my eyes beyond my reach
Where what lies waiting aches to teach.

I dream a world where a bridge is arching over troubled waters, built on a foundation of truth.
Where children grow up learning only one kind of division, the long kind.
a world where Sharing kindness is commonplace;
Where deeds are done with heart and zest
Where doing right should be the quest

To read the rest of the poem and the list of contributors from around the U.S., click here

Someone should make that poem into a song! 

Anyway, thank you for reading the Happy List today. I hope you enjoyed it. 

I’ll see you back here on Monday. Be good to yourself and others this weekend. 



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