Crafts,  decorating,  laundry

Clothespin Holder

I know this is no way to start a Monday, but I have laundry on my brain.

I trust yours is all done, folded and put away.

Mine is hanging on the line.


For the first time in my life, I bought clothespins to use for their intended purpose: hanging clothes. What a novel concept! (These are just like my clothespins.)

It got me to thinking about the Junk Whisperer’s (aka my stepmom) laundry room.

She has a super cute vintage clothespin holder made to look like a dress.

It’s darling, right?

When I visited her home earlier this summer, I mentioned off-hand that it would be fun to make a clothespin holder like hers. I imagined repurposing an old shirt or maybe one of my daughter’s dresses into a clothespin holder similar to this one.

Now that I have legitimate clothespins and nowhere pretty or practical to put them, I might have to go back to this idea.

First I need to get settled here in Ireland. But right after that!

The rest of the Junk Whisperer’s laundry room is fun, but not fussy. Perfect for a farmhouse where someone quite literally might be dropping their drawers so they don’t track hay and muck into the house.



Hanging above the Junk Whisperer’s folding counter is a Country Bloomers cross stitch creation. “Oh yeah, I made that” she tells me, like it was no big deal.

I had a fling with cross stitch in my younger years.

I stitched a cute little animal about 1-inch square before my patience wore thin. Or my mother’s patience with my lack of patience wore thin. Potato, pota-toh. The mother-daughter relationship is beautifully complicated.

Now that I’m older and wiser, I have a great appreciation for the time and detail that went into this work of art.


In case you are wondering, the Junk Whisperer’s laundry room looks like this all the time.

I moved my laundry off the counters to quickly snap this shot.

She really loves it when I come to visit.

Truth be told, I almost didn’t write about the Junk Whisperer’s laundry room.

I took the pictures on a whim one day after coming in from photographing something outside. I love this room and what she’s done with it (the red door makes me swoon), but the pictures didn’t turn out like I wanted.

I was going to chuck ’em, but the sign on her wall gave me a good proverbial kick in the pants.

Attitude is everything. Pick a good one. 

Chores like laundry can be a drag – especially without American-sized washers and dryers. Moving is hard. Being an adult and making priorities isn’t always as cool as my kids think it is.

My attitude is what makes or breaks all of those things. There are plenty of things I can’t control in life. I can choose my attitude. And we all know the saying, “when mama is happy, everyone is happy!”


P.S. I absolutely LOVE this free printable from the fabulous ladies at Shanty2Chic. It seems quite appropriate for today!


P.P.S. If you like the Junk Whisperer’s sign, I found one almost like it on Amazon for $14.98 and I believe shipping is free as of today.

Here are some more ideas to inspire! 

Potting Shed Part 1 and Part 2

Kitchen Refresh – the reveal

Pallet Flag Tip

Riveter Tool Turned Flower Hangin Basket Holder

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  • Jeannie Gerhardt

    My laundry is hanging out on the line to dry today as well:) Thanks again for the good reminder about attitudes….I needed that, being it is Monday…. I’m thinking you should also post your infamous saying, “It could be worse…” ha ha

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