scrapbook paper flower garland hanging over a navy blue sunporch and blooming geraniums spring party decor wedding shower decor
Crafts,  decorating

Paper Flower Garland

Who’s ready for a party? This girl is because I have the happiest paper flower garland hanging up ready for a celebration.

What are we celebrating?

Longer daylight hours. Daffodils popping out of the ground. The new season of Reacher. A really good night’s sleep.

Anything and everything is a cause for celebration these days. Those are the rules. Take your joy where you can get it, folks.

scrapbook paper flower garland hanging over a navy blue sunporch and blooming geraniums spring party decor wedding shower decor

Speaking of things that bring me joy, I have proclaimed loudly and often that I am not a garland person and, yet, I seem to come up with excuses for making garlands and hanging them up in my house.

Need evidence?

I offer up Exhibit A, Exhibit B, and Exhibit C.

I rest my case.

Perhaps I’m in denial about being a garland person? I’m also in denial about those grey hairs on my head, so that tracks.

scrapbook paper flower garland hanging over a navy blue sunporch and blooming geraniums spring party decor wedding shower decor

If you’re an actual garland person or garland curious, this paper flower garland is easy, but a tad bit tedious to make. I don’t like to think too hard about my crafts and I prefer to do them while bingeing a show or podcast.

If you want to make a paper flower garland, you can use any paper that makes your heart go pitter-patter.

I used 12×12 scrapbook paper to make mine. If you want the full directions on how to make paper flowers including all my tips and tricks – there is no gatekeeping – read this post. It’s a banger.

Once the paper flowers were made, I punched holes in them (no going back now) and strung the garland on yarn that matched the color of my sunporch. I wanted the illusion that the flowers were floating. The navy-colored yarn and my bad eyesight helped with that.

scrapbook paper flower garland hanging over a navy blue sunporch and blooming geraniums spring party decor wedding shower decor

By the way, all the photos of this paper flower garland were taken within a 30-minute period at midday.

The light changes on the sunporch almost by the minute depending on what the sun and clouds are doing.

That means how the blue color in here appears also changes. Sometimes it’s bright and bold. Other times it is dark and moody.

I can relate.

scrapbook paper flower garland hanging over a navy blue sunporch and blooming geraniums spring party decor wedding shower decor

A paper flower garland would be a fun way to decorate for a baby shower, bridal shower, or birthday party.

Or, be like me, and hang it by a window in your house just because you can and then enjoy it coming and going.

How do you feel about paper flowers? Or celebrating the little things? Are you a fan of either? Give me the scoop. You can always comment on this blog post, email me here, or reach out via Instagram or Facebook.

Happy Decorating.

P.S. If you want to know why my geraniums are flowering in March in New Jersey, read this post.

Room Sources:

Paint: Glidden America’s Cup Navy 10BB 11/126

Outdoor Couch (We’ve had this for just shy of 2 years and it still looks new.)

White Faux Fur Throw – Old

Needlepoint Art – Thrifted

Plant Basket – Thrifted

William Morris-style Scrapbook Paper

Thanks for hanging out with me today. Here are some other blog posts you might enjoy.

Navy Blue Sunporch Reveal (The before photos – yikes!)

A Haint Blue Front Porch Ceiling (We don’t live in the southern U.S.)

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