• middle school lockers

    Last Week Before School

    My kids start school at the end of this week! I can’t decide if this summer flew by or was unbearably slow. Maybe a little of both. I’ve decided that in a mother’s mind, these two realities can exist at once. And that’s okay…as long as it doesn’t drive her completely batty. And look how little my son used to be. Time really must be flying because I swear he was just 4-years-old and now he’s going into 4th grade! AGH! To that end, I’m taking this week off to spend time with the kids, so that I will really, really miss them when they head back to school. Plus, I…

  • Family

    That Time My Son Broke a Window

    It was bound to happen. The only thing that surprised me was that it took almost 9 years to occur. Since we’ve moved out of our rental and got our security deposit back (because priorities!) I can now tell you about that time my son broke a window in our house. It was what happened AFTER the window broke that has me wondering who learned more from this situation: him or me? How did my son break the window? With a ball, of course. *sigh* He threw a ball in his bedroom and with either extreme accuracy or supremely bad luck he launched that ball through a window. Now, in his…

  • happy birthday cake happy birthday handy husband

    Turning Nine and Twelve

    We interrupt this blog’s regularly scheduled content for a special announcement. As of today we have a 9-year-old and a 12-year-old in the house! Whoop, whoop! My kids were born 3 years and 1 day apart, so May is kind of like Christmas for us. It’s magical and meaningful. It’s exciting and full of anticipation. It’s jam-packed with activities, presents and delicious food. It’s also…expensive! Haha! That’s what we get for having two May babies. For the record, they are totally worth it! I’d really hate to admit (so I won’t!) what percentage of my thoughts revolve around whether the decisions Handy Husband and I have made as parents are going…

  • Family

    Merry Christmas 2018

    So this is Christmas. And what have we done? Well, we took one family picture this year. So, that’s something. Ha! Seriously though, this year has been a full one and I can’t believe it’s already coming to a close! From our family to yours, we wish you all the best  – not just today – but in all the days to come. I also want to say thank you. Thank you for following along on this journey and being a part of my world. Thank you for sharing part of yourself with me. I’ll be taking off the rest of the year to spend time with my family and…

  • howth head ireland boy looking at irish sea on the happy list

    Mom? Do Bad Things Happen to Everyone?

    97.8% of being a parent is answering an endless stream of questions. Most of them come in the form of… “Can I have…?” Or “Why?” Or my favorite, “Why not?” Sometimes there’s just a long “mom” or “dad” with a question mark at the end repeated over and over in increasing volume. Mom? Mooom? Mooooommmm??? When kids discover their voice they sometimes forget they have two legs and can get up to come find you. Then there are the weird questions. Case in point, I was recently asked, “Mom, how does a person become a god?” Uh… That’s what I get for letting my kid read a book at the…

  • Animals,  education,  Family

    Does Owning an Ant Farm Make Me a Farmer?

    This is a legitimate question. Does owning an ant farm make me a farmer? Or just crazy because I have live ants in my house? Ants that I PAID MONEY to bring into my home and that I’m feeding and watering. You’re right. I drew the same conclusion. It definitely makes me a farmer. Glad we cleared that up. We recently took the kids to a place in New Jersey called Insectropolis. It is a self-described bugseum, which is a pretty great name. It was also a pretty great place to spend a couple of hours. We saw thousands of bugs and even touched a few live ones including a…

  • Family

    Adventures at the DMV

    The one thing I really dread about moving is not the hard work. It’s not the mess. It’s not the purging. It’s not the cost. It’s not the mountain of cardboard boxes. It’s GETTING A NEW DRIVER’S LICENSE or really anything associated with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). My recent adventure at the DMV was quite a doozy. I’ll spoil the ending of the story by saying I got my new driver’s license! WOOHOO!! Imagine when I typed that sentence I was saying it in my most EXCITED voice and there was confetti sprinkling down!!! The one time I don’t mind confetti is in my imagination. This story has…

  • Family


    I swore I would never start a blog. In fact, my husband and I would joke when we’d take pictures of a DIY project that they were for my “Never Blog.” So when we decided we were moving from Oregon to the Atlanta area, I thought I should start a blog. You know, to keep the family up-to-date… and to remind myself to never say never. So, here we are getting ready to leave Oregon in T minus 9 days. WOW! I’m currently letting my 3 year old do this so I can write my first blog post. What you can’t see is the vacuum just out of frame. Not…