
  • Food

    Would I Make It Again? Blueberry Buckle Coffee Cake

    Let’s ease into the week talking about something meaningful. Coffee cake. Otherwise known as the cake that is acceptable to eat for breakfast. That’s pretty much heaven on earth, right? This Blueberry Buckle Coffee Cake recipe came out of one of the three cookbooks that I own. Two of the cookbooks are out of print. All three cookbooks were gifts. Clearly, I am not a collector of cookbooks, but I’ve kept these three because I actually use them. Not as often as I use online recipe sites though. I equate it to trying out the newest exercise fad – ThighMaster, Tae Bo, pole dancing classes. But then always coming back…

  • Food

    Would I Make It Again? Chile Lime Almonds

    Some girls get flowers and chocolate from their significant other. I get almonds. No, really. I did. It was a sweet and thoughtful gesture from Handy Husband. And I say that with the utmost degree of sincerity, not sarcasm. Sometimes I need to clarify these things. However, I kind of ruined the moment when I said, “You got me UNSALTED almonds?” And he said, “What? No. Why would they be unsalted? Check the label.” This isn’t my first almond rodeo. I know a package of healthy unsalted almonds when I see one. I humored Handy Husband though (there’s a marriage tip for you!) and turned the bag over to find…

  • Food

    Would I Make It Again? Cheese Tea

    Yes, you read that right. CHEESE. TEA. Apparently, cheese tea is a thing now. Regular tea wasn’t good enough, so we had to fancy it up with cheese? They should have come up with a better name for it though. I mean…gross. The cheese tea trend originated in Taiwan about 5 years ago according to this article. Instead of tasting like cheese the tea is supposed to taste like cheesecake. That sounds better. But, wait. The original recipe is made with POWDERED CHEESE. *gag* That does not sound better, but my only experience with powdered cheese is from a box of mac n’ cheese. I’ll try and reserve judgment on…

  • Food

    Would I Make It Again? Chicken Rigatoni with Vodka Sauce

    I don’t want to brag, but I’m no stranger to cooking and baking with booze. Do you remember my whiskey cake? And the Peppermint Schnapps Chocolate Cake? So when I saw a recipe for Chicken Rigatoni with Vodka Sauce by What’s Gaby Cooking  I said, “Who drank all the Why don’t we have any vodka?” Seriously though. We didn’t have any vodka, so I sat on this recipe for two months. Fast forward to last week and I finally had a stocked liquor cart the opportunity to make this pasta dish. I’ve made a few of Gaby’s recipes and have not been disappointed. She’s the real deal! This was going to…

  • Food

    Would I Make it Again? Apple Fritter Muffins

    When I was a little girl, my Uncle Donny owned a doughnut shop. I can still remember the sweet smell of the shop, the flour smudges on my uncle’s all white uniform and, of course, the sweet treats. Looking back, I’m sure it was anything but glamorous to be up in the wee hours of the morning making bear claws, maple bars and apple fritters. But, oh, the deliciousness! Fast forward let’s not talk about how long to a couple of weeks ago when my landlord gifted me a bag of apples from the tree in her backyard. Tart green apples that were perfect for baking. That’s my kind of…

  • Food

    Would I Make It Again? – Korean Beef Bowl

    Sometimes I ask my kids what they want for dinner when I’m not sure what to cook. I don’t know why I ask these things! Their answers are always predictable and not something that counts as “well balanced for a Tuesday night when I’m still making an effort with this dinner thing.” By Thursday Friday night all bets are off though. When I don’t know what to cook, I cook tacos fall back on my staple of go-to recipes. Spoiler Alert! This Korean Beef Bowl recipe by Damn Delicious has become one of my go-to recipes. I’m probably making it twice a month now. (image: Damn Delicious) Now, I’m a…

  • Food

    Would I Make It Again? – Rhubarb Scones

    I cook most everyday because it’s socially unacceptable to let my kids eat cereal for every meal the people in my family are always hungry. Okay, fine. I’m always hungry too. The kids definitely take after me in this regard. Sometimes I try a new recipe and think, “This would be fun to share with my blog friends.” I might even snap a picture of it, but then I never go on to share it because I only cooked or baked it once. I didn’t test the recipe. I didn’t make it uniquely mine. I didn’t do any of the things actual food blogs do to make sure a recipe is…

  • Food

    Vanilla Coconut Cashews and Almonds

    Our household is a bit nutty consumes a lot of nuts: cashews, almonds, pistachios, pecans. In fact, I just ate a handful of almonds while writing this post. I’m all about raw nuts for baking and cooking, but for snacking I like a bit of salt. Sometimes in the afternoons around 3 p.m. I like a bit of sweet. While procrastinating doing important online research, I saw a recipe for Vanilla Cashew Clusters on Kitchn and I could not make the recipe fast enough. But first I had to go to the store. Isn’t that always the case? Motivation strikes and you’re missing an ingredient. But when temptation strikes there’s ALWAYS a pint…

  • Food

    Fresh Raspberry Margarita

    I just decided it is unofficial Raspberry Week on this blog. It might be next week too since my in-law’s said they have more berries! If you missed it, do read about how much we love Fresh Raspberry Pie. If you need a quick salad dressing, I make a Berry Balsamic Vinaigrette using raspberry jam that is divine! Now, let’s get on with the show… It turns out, there is a super simple way to annoy your family on a hot summer day. Tell them you are making delicious raspberry margaritas. Make the glorious, ice-cold margaritas. Then let the family know they can’t drink the margaritas until you’ve take one billion photos…

  • raspberry pie

    Fresh Raspberry Peach Pie

    My in-laws love to garden – especially when it comes to growing fruits and vegetables. I LOVE that my in-laws love to grow fruits and vegetables. You can see where this is going, right? Yep! Straight into my belly. Shameless fruit and veggie moocher over here. This week’s haul was two huge bowls of sun-ripened raspberries! You’d think my in-laws were just being generous because they were happy to see us. We don’t get to visit very often anymore since we live a continent and an ocean way. However, a giving spirit comes naturally to them. It’s really a beautiful thing. With great flourish, I took the berries to the…