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    Halloween Countdown Lunch Notes – Updated Free Printable

    Hi Everybody! A sweet reader let me know there was a problem with the fonts showing up in my Halloween Countdown Lunch Notes. You guys rock! (Font problems do not rock. Boo.) I’ve switched the printables from PDFs, to JPEGs. I tested it on another computer and it seemed to work fine. I’m crossing my fingers that it works okay on your computer too. Thanks for hanging in there with me! Here’s the link to the updated post with the new printables: Halloween Countdown Lunch Notes Share this:

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    Welcome Knock Off Decor Readers

    If you’re visiting today from Knock Off Decor, WELCOME! If you’re coming from somewhere else, WELCOME! Basically, if you’re here, I’m ecstatic and can’t wait to virtually meet you! All of the projects Beckie features are incredible, so I’m happy to be listed among the folks who make my jaw drop regularly with their creative projects. This is me and my family: This is probably the last family picture we’ll get where we are all looking sort of toward the camera for, oh, the next 5 years or so. I’d better savor this one! If you like Pottery Barn Knock Offs, here are two you might like… (Yes, the bed was featured…

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    If you are coming over from Knock Off Decor, WELCOME!  I am just so darn excited to have a project featured on a site I visit all the time for great ideas and inspiration. Picture me doing my happy dance right now! I’m pretty new to the world of blogging and love having a place to share ideas and connect with other folks. Thanks again for visiting! Share this:

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    Sneak Peeks

    We’ve been busy around here. So what else is new? So I thought I would share a few sneak peeks of what we are up to. First, strawberries are in season in Georgia. Say WHAT??? To this Oregon girl, strawberries in April are like an early Christmas present. We usually have to wait until June in the Pacific Northwest. We picked up 6 gallons of strawberries from Washington Farms in Watkinsville, GA, last week. It yielded about 48 cups of crushed berries for freezer jam plus a few for eating. Seriously, these were the best berries we’ve ever had the pleasure of eating! Next, I saw a picture in the…

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    Miss Me When I’m Gone

    The “Cups” song by Anna Kendrick has been stuck in my head lately. The lyrics “you’re going to miss me when I’m gone” should really say we are missing all our friends and family. That’s the hardest part about moving – not getting to see the folks we love as often as we’d like. All the rest of it is pretty darn awesome. New adventures everyday. Meeting new people. Trying new foods. Exploring new parks. Enjoying the weather. Love. it. all. And thankfully, so do my kids. Not sure how I lucked out with such easy going kiddos, but I’m not complaining! Now, if only we could pack all of…

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    Our master bath has a jetted tub, which is really cool to my kids because we haven’t had one before now. I’m glad they like it because everyone is excited for bath time. Win-win! So earlier this week my son, Tor, was taking a bath while I was sitting a few feet away helping Annika with her math homework. Homework in the bathroom… This is normal, right? Anyway, he was happily playing in the bath and I was trying to figure out why 1st Grade math homework was showing the concept of negatives in subtraction. (Turns out they weren’t, it was just a poorly worded problem trying to demonstrate that…

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    Random Bits of Life

    Do you ever look back on your day and know you were busy, but don’t feel like you accomplished much? No? Just me? Shoot! That’s been my week. I try to remind myself that the moments when we are very present in “mother mode,” are just as, if not more important than crossing things off a to-do list. Here are a few of the random things that happened this week: Now that we live in town, there are new rules. One of them is you can’t ride your bike or scooter in the street unless mom or dad is outside with you. Both kids have been good about following this…

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    Hobby Lobby Heaven

    How have I gone all of my 29 *cough, yeah right* years without visiting a Hobby Lobby? How? I have read about people and their glorious Hobby Lobby finds on blogs for years. Years, people! When I’ve been looking for the perfect, inexpensive knobs for a DIY project, I silently cursed the people who had a Hobby Lobby nearby. If Hobby Lobby won’t come to Annisa, Annisa will come to Hobby Lobby. Today after I dropped Tor off at preschool, I programmed by Waze app to take me straight to the closest Hobby Lobby. It doesn’t look like much on the outside, but on the inside…let’s just say, I forgot…