In Praise of Patchwork Quilts
Suddenly, I’m seeing patchwork quilts everywhere. Have you noticed this trend too? If nothing else, we can always count on everything old eventually becoming new again. Well, everything except us. I am not a quilting expert, but I do know that the patchwork part of a patchwork quilt simply refers to pieces of fabric that are stitched together in a pattern. This can also be called piecing. Quilting refers to the process of stitching a top layer, batting, and backing together to make a bedcovering. You could have a quilt that’s not patchworked or pieced. For instance, some coverlets that are solid colored are technically quilted because they have a top…
DIY Rustic Towel Bar From An Antique Harness
Who needs a rustic towel bar? Me, apparently. And maybe one of you. One of the things we found on our property was an antique harness that would have been part of the connection between a horse and a buggy or horse and a farm implement. At least, that’s what I think it is, but I could be wrong. From what I can tell, these harnesses go by different names: Singletree harness, Whiffletree harness, Whippletree harness, and leader-bars. Ours seems to be missing the center connection though. It looks like it could have been there and broken off, but that’s the only thing that makes me question whether or not…
Candid Photos of Our House That Give Me Warm Fuzzy Feelings
I’m one of those people who will walk through our house on a mission to get coffee, do chores, etc., and then some amazing scene or moment will catch my eye and the mission will be abandoned. Poof! Just like that, my easily distracted squirrel brain will be compelled to stop and snap a quick candid photo of the amazing scene or moment. Do you do that too? This situation occurs often enough that I need a sign on my back that says, “This person makes frequent stops to snap photos. Do not follow closely behind.” It’s probably also why I can’t find things (scissors, Kindle, laundry basket) because in…
4 Tips For How to Use a Headboard As a Room Divider
Have an awkward space and want to use a headboard as a room divider, but are wondering how to make that work? You’ve come to the right place. We recently used a headboard as a room divider and learned a few things the hard way along the way. Here are four tips for how to use a headboard as a room divider. Tip #1: Solid headboards work best for delineating spaces. I’m sure there’s an exception to every rule, but of all the pictures I’ve looked at and in our personal experience, a solid headboard seems to work best as a room divider. By that, I mean a headboard that…
Five Corkboard Ideas To Try
I have not one not two, but five corkboard ideas for you to try today! What can I say? I’m a giver. Corkboards can give off distinct 9 to 5 office vibes (boring!), but with a little creativity, you can take a drab corkboard and make it pop! Let’s take a look at some ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Corkboard Ideas: Add a Shelf. Add a shelf or ledge to turn a basic corkboard into something unique. This 2×3-ft corkboard cost $2 at the thrift store. Once the shelf or ledge piece on the bottom was added, it became a one-of-a-kind corkboard. It’s hard to tell in the…
The Key to Decorating With Kid Art
It’s taken me 15 years of being a parent, but I think I’ve finally figured out the key to decorating with kid art. Your kids have to stop making that cute handprint art, enter their teen years, start calling you “bruh,” and suddenly you’ll feel all nostalgic about that kid art and want to wallpaper your home with it. Bruh? Really, kids? *sigh* If this situation happens to you and you find yourself digging through bins and bins of childhood mementos wondering why you didn’t save more of your children’s art, don’t blame your earlier rational self. Your earlier rational self knew that you can’t keep every single piece of…
Refinished Wood Mirror With a Sentimental Twist
I love a DIY project with a sentimental twist. Don’t you? Today’s refinished wood mirror project fits that description to a T. We have owned this wood mirror our entire marriage, so over 20 years but the mirror is much older than that. It was made in the mid-1960s. I had never seen the frame unpainted. It was painted when Handy Husband carted it over from his dive of a bachelor pad (Hello, gross shag carpet!) to the place we rented together. It was painted several times by yours truly as my style evolved over the years. The most recent iteration was a chippy, distressed look. Since that’s no longer…
Sink Skirt Hack If You Don’t Own a Sewing Machine
Who loves a good hack? *raises both hands* Today, I have a sink skirt hack for you if you don’t own a sewing machine or don’t want to use it. Either way, I totally understand. Sewing machines and I are not on good terms, so I go out of my way to avoid using one. Because I’m a giver, this blog post contains not one, but TWO sink skirt hacks. For the purposes of clarity, I’m defining a sink skirt as a skirt that covers the opening underneath a sink that might typically be covered by doors. If your situation is a little bit different than mine, these hacks should…
In Praise of Pretty Brooms
I’ve got pretty brooms on my mind today for one simple reason. I’m at the point in life where if I have to do a chore, I want the item assisting me with this chore to not only be functional but pretty too. That’s not too much to ask, is it? Frankly, it WAS too much to ask for ALL chores to be banished from my life. Don’t ask me how I know. So, I’m going for the next best thing – pretty brooms and pretty tools that are functional too. I recently purchased a classic broom with a black handle that blended in with my decor and didn’t make…
Use a Cake Stand to Corral Bathroom Counter Clutter
Cake stands aren’t just for cake! Did you know you can use a cake stand to corral bathroom counter clutter? Many folks corral bathroom counter clutter using a basket or a tray, but a cake stand literally elevates this organizational issue. There are two reasons why I use a cake stand to corral bathroom counter clutter. First, cake stands are pretty! Simple as that. Second, using an elevated cake stand to corral bathroom counter clutter means you get additional storage space without sacrificing counter space. If you’ve ever had a small bathroom then you know the struggle of trying to get ready in the morning, but not having enough counter…