
  • black and blue outdoor furniture
    decorating,  gardening and landscape

    Black and Blue Outdoor Furniture

    Our deck is sporting black and blue outdoor furniture. Did that sentence make it sound like our outdoor furniture rumbled after school? While most of our outdoor furniture is second-hand and was in rough shape when I found it, it is looking decidedly better after a little spray paint session. I’ve also done some outdoor furniture switching around in an effort to only keep the things we use. There will be a quiz at the end, so pay attention. To that end, the table in this below picture from October 2020 was set out by the side of the road and now has a new home. It came with the…

  • Repurposed Light Shade Planter

    Repurposed Light Shade Planter

    I adore a good repurposed decor project and my Repurposed Light Shade Planter  is just that! What was destined for the dumpster is now being repurposed in my home. This industrial light was on the end of our Carriage House. We took it down because it wasn’t working. Also, hornets had made a lovely home inside of it. I can see the appeal. Handy Husband was going to get rid of the light. *GASP* Did he not see the potential? No. He did not. It’s a good thing I’m here to save all the junky treasures! I’m sure Handy Husband feels the exact same way. Yours truly gave the light…

  • diu no sew privacy liner for woven shades
    decorating,  DIY

    No Sew DIY Privacy Liner for Woven Shades

    Today I’m going to show you how to make a No Sew Privacy Liner for Woven Shades. If I can do this – a gal who doesn’t own a sewing machine – you can do this! I’m defining ‘no sew’ as not using a sewing machine. My DIY does include a needle and thread. If you are really opposed to that, I have an alternative that is truly no-sew. It gets the job done. However, in my experience, it is more expensive, doesn’t look as good, and it won’t last as long. Yep! I tried ALL the techniques I could think of in my desperation the process of figuring out this No Sew Privacy…

  • kitchen art coffee station farmhouse kitchen
    colonial farmhouse,  decorating

    Which Category of Kitchen Art Do You Have?

    I’ve thought a lot about it and applied zero scientific reasoning to my theory, but it seems to me kitchen art falls into 5 categories: Food themed because it is a kitchen, DUH! Non-food themed because you have a rebellious streak. Child-themed because your refrigerator is covered in child masterpieces. Just a clock because the clocks on the appliances aren’t enough to get you out of the house on time. Who are we kidding? Nothing gets you out of the house on time. No art at all because minimalism is grand. Actually, there could be a bunch of reasons for no art at all, but being a minimalist has a…

  • problem with charging stations

    The Problem With Device Charging Stations

    The problem with device charging stations is that I have to look at them in all of their chaotic glory. Then I have to hear about them if one of the kids “accidentally” unplugs someone else’s device to charge their own. *sigh* It’s not the charging stations that are the problem. I think it is how we end up using the charging stations. Either we are animals or we just don’t have a good system set up for corralling devices and cords. Hmm. It might be a little of one and a lot of the other, actually. I’m on a quest to figure out a better way to charge our…

  • flower basket centerpiece

    Flower Basket Centerpiece

    A flower basket centerpiece is the one thing you didn’t know you needed in your life. I’m telling you, under the definition for joy it should say flower basket centerpiece because a basket overflowing with flowers radiates happiness.  Now, I know a few of you have an inner rebel that likes to come out and play ever so often. If you want to throw a little bit of rebellion in with your decorating projects then do what I did.  Find a basket that you’ve put in the trunk of your car to take to the donation center. Break your cardinal rule and bring that item slated for donation back into your house. Squash the…

  • diy wood stool with brass leg tips
    decorating,  DIY

    DIY Wood Stool With Brass Leg Tips

    I have the best furniture hack to share with you today on how to DIY a wood stool with brass leg tips. This is going to be a semi-handmade DIY project. Those are one of my favorite type of projects because not everything needs to be created from scratch. Better yet, no power tools were used in this project. Shocking, I know! I started with a pair of unfinished 18-inch wood stools. This is my first time purchasing unfinished furniture and this is what arrived – a total blank slate.  The wood stools received two coats of black stain with poly. I just happened to have a can of black stain with poly mixed in, so…

  • wood bowl makeover
    Crafts,  decorating

    Wood Bowl Makeover

    Keep an eye out for cheap wood bowls at thrift stores because with a quick wood bowl makeover you’ll have something that looks like a million bucks. I should say quick-ish makeover. Time is all relative, but this wood bowl makeover should take less than an hour. All you need is a wood bowl with a terrible finish and a sander. I found this wavy, wood bowl at the thrift store for $1. It makes me ridiculously excited that I can still find things for a buck. I was relatively confident that a pretty wood grain was hiding underneath that heavily-glazed, orange finish. All I needed to do was sand…

  • terra-cotta pot makeover
    Crafts,  decorating

    Glazed Terra-Cotta Pot Makeover

    Have you ever done a glazed terra-cotta pot makeover? I haven’t either…until now. *insert dramatic music here* I found a glazed terra-cotta pot at a thrift store for $10. It is huge, almost 18 inches tall, and it was begging for a makeover. Begging. You can see the potential, right? This is not one of those situations where I’m going to slap mud on a vase to make it look like authentic earthenware. I already had authentic earthenware. It was just hiding under some painted on flowers and swirly things. My plan for this glazed terra-cotta pot makeover was simple. I was just going to paint it. Easy breezy. However,…

  • vinyl tile pedestal stand
    decorating,  DIY

    Vinyl Tile Pedestal Stand

    I created a vinyl tile pedestal stand from leftover vinyl flooring to go next to my kitchen sink and I’m thrilled to show it to you today!  This was such a fun way to repurpose leftover vinyl floor tiles. I like to corral the dish soap and cleaning spray bottle on a tray next to the kitchen sink, but I do not like how soap and water inevitably drips all over that area.  I needed a tray or stand for my dish soap that would hold up well when my  kids do dishes next to a wet area.  We had a handful of leftover black hexagon vinyl tiles from a flooring project. This particular…