
  • sock drawer organizer organization tricks
    cleaning,  decorating

    Organization Tricks That Work For Me

    I have a few organization tricks that work for me and they might work for you too! The best organization tricks are the ones that work for you and your lifestyle. Full stop. You could buy $1,000 work of pretty bins from The Container Store and still have a pantry or closet that is a hot mess because you don’t actually use the pretty bins. You could buy a label maker and go crazy labeling everything in existence, but if no one in your family reads the labels, what was the point? Besides the fact that label makers are kind of fun to use!  Remember that organize is a verb. That means it requires…

  • taco corgi from collageorama on etsy unique art for big kid spaces

    Unique Art for Big Kid Spaces

    I went down the Etsy rabbit hole looking for art for our bedroom and instead found a slew of cool, unique art for big kid spaces. There are so many talented artists in the world!  When I find random things here and there that I like (or in this case that my kids would like) I usually put them in a Happy List post. One random thing is fine for the Happy List. Two things in the same category is pushing it, but I’ll allow it. Three things in the same category? Three means you have to make a completely separate blog post because my boss is a tyrant. True story. I’m typing this…

  • leather belt tray
    Crafts,  decorating

    DIY Leather Belt Tray

    A leather belt tray is today’s project and I am a teensy bit in love with it. I had a stack of western-style leather belts in my closet. The leather belts originally came from my dad’s closet and I’m presuming he wore them once or twice. Then the leather belts hung in my closet and I didn’t wear them at all. I was just waiting over a year for inspiration to strike on how to reuse those leather belts and when it did, HOLY MOLY was it good. Creating a leather belt tray is the easiest, most satisfying project. Anyone can do it. You just need a leather belt or two, a wood tray, scissors or…

  • collecting antique car horns

    Collecting: Antique Car Horns

    I have two antique car horns and I’m looking for a third, so I guess I’m collecting antique car horns now. I’m pretty jazzed about it! Every once in awhile when you visit this blog I want you to not only leave with inspiration, but some random trivia to impress your friends and family with too. It’s the least I can do for you, right?   Here goes… Antique car horns were first used in Britain in the 1800s. It was a matter of safety when self-propelled vehicles started sharing the road with horses, wagons, and people. By the late 1800s, motorists were using horns, bells, and whistles to alert others to their presence. In the…

  • nuloom new bedroom rug
    colonial farmhouse,  decorating

    New Bedroom Rug

    My Christmas present was a new bedroom rug and I am OBSESSED. Obsessed might be an over-dramatization of my feelings.  My new bedroom rug does make me smile every time I walk in our bedroom though. I think my heart sighs contentedly too, but I’m not sure if that’s a real thing or just what I imagine my heart doing in there besides, you know, keeping me alive.  The biggest surprise to me (Yes, I can still surprise myself.) is that I chose a rug with some dusty reds in it. I am old enough to have lived through the early 2000s when everyone was painting an accent wall in their home red. I…

  • brass coffee table mashup

    Coffee Table Mashup

    Today I have a coffee table mashup story for you. I’m so cool that when I decided to use the word mashup I had to Google it to determine if this slang was written as one word, two words, or hyphenated. So cool, indeed. Wait. Do the cool kids say ‘cool’ these days? I should probably ask my 13-year-old, but I’ve already reached my daily quota on eye rolls.  Anyway, you might be wondering what a coffee table mashup is? It’s when you combine different coffee table parts to make a new coffee table. A top from one coffee table, a base from a different coffee table and bada-bing bada-boom you have a coffee table mashup! I have…

  • kids bedrooms vintage game gallery wall

    Small Updates in the Kids’ Bedrooms

    I thought I’d razzle dazzle you with some small updates in the kids’ bedrooms today. Way to over sell it, huh? While the big stuff for home renovation is fun to watch and blog about, I think it is the small, meaningful updates that really make a house feel like a home. Yes, I really do believe this stuff I spout. Ha! We’ve lived so many places where we couldn’t renovate or even paint. Home is definitely what we made of it in that moment  – from the memories that we made there to the small touches that made that house feel like us. The kids’ bedrooms have always received priority when we move because…

  • navy blue sunporch

    On the Hunt for Rocking Chairs

    I’m on the hunt for rocking chairs! How’s that for a random tidbit? I have more random tidbits if you want some. My mind is a veritable playground of randomness. I have been thinking for months about how we should or could use our sunporch. It’s a long, narrow space broken up by five doors (two sets of french doors and one exterior door). The french doors aren’t centered on the sunporch, so that complicates the spacing a bit as well.   The sunporch is so narrow I can sit with my back on one wall and my feet can touch the other wall. Yes, I’m tall, but my height is all in my torso. Oops. There’s…

  • antique grate wall art

    Antique Grate Wall Art

    We had an antique grate sitting in our basement collecting cobwebs and a family member pointed out that it had decorating potential. Actually, I think she said, “I wish I could fit that grate in my suitcase because I would take it home and do something with it.” I’m almost certain it wouldn’t have been the weirdest thing TSA saw in someone’s suitcase. However, her passing comment did make me think I should do something with that antique grate besides let it be a home for all the basement spiders.  Did you like that ‘before’ picture? I could have brushed the grime off before I snapped that picture, but nope. I decided to keep it real…

  • vintage ethan allen chairs

    Vintage Ethan Allen Chairs for our Living Room

    There has been a change in our living room! Vintage Ethan Allen chairs are now providing cush for our tushes! I’ve been idly on the hunt for high quality chairs for our living room. I wanted chairs that would stand the test of time from a style and quality perspective, but also be comfortable to sit in. Comfort is VERY important around here!  I loved the look and function of the recliner chairs I bought for a quick fix in our living room, but I also regretted that purchase. The recliners just didn’t feel sturdy enough to stand the test of everyday, heavy use. That’s the difference between cheaply made and high quality furniture. One…