How To Make A Piano Hammer Christmas Tree
I made a Piano Hammer Christmas Tree. Never thought I’d type that sentence yet here we are. What are piano hammers and why do I have them? Glad you asked. The lovely sound a piano makes is the result of piano hammers striking the piano’s strings. When a pianist presses a piano key, the piano hammer connected to the key then strikes the strings making them vibrate and as a result, music plays. It is as simple and as complicated as that. I have 88 piano hammers because a few years ago we dismantled an old piano. The house we had purchased came with an upright piano. This would have…
Fall Wreath Using a Concrete Form Tube
Have you heard of a concrete form tube or a building form tube? It is a super rigid, hollow cardboard-ish cylinder. It keeps its shape when concrete is poured into it. We used them to pour deck footings and had a few pieces left over, so let’s talk about my creative use for a concrete form tube. A concrete form tube with a diameter of 12 inches looks an awful lot like a wreath form to me. Can you squint and see it? It’s going to turn out amazing, I promise. If you want to use one of these tubes to make a wreath, here’s the process and what I…
DIY Wood Acorn and Bead Garland
I am mildly obsessed with wood acorns this year. There are so many ways to use them! Today, let me show you how to make a Wood Acorn and Bead Garland. This is going to be so much fun! Supplies Needed to Make A Wood Acorn and Bead Garland: wood acorns wood beads heavy-duty string or twine (I used embroidery floss) drill and drill bit (to drill a hole in the acorns) needle (not necessary, but it makes stringing the beads easier) scissors measuring tape Step 1: Prep the wood acorns for the garland. The wood acorns come without a hole, so you need to create one if you want…
DIY Wood Acorn Napkin Rings
It’s fall, y’all. Let’s DIY some wood acorn napkin rings! Did you know wood acorns were a thing? Bless the woodworkers of the world for creating such a thing I never knew I needed and now can’t imagine living without. There are so many things you could create with wood acorns, but I chose to make napkin rings. Let me explain how you can make Wood Acorn Napkin Rings for your autumn table. Supplies you’ll need to DIY Wood Acorn Napkin Rings: wood acorns wood beads (a pack with varying bead sizes is helpful) elastic cord (I started out with a .5mm cord and that was prone to snapping. A…
DIY Embroidered Vote T-Shirt
Let’s get to a DIY today that involves two important things: embroidery and civic responsibility. Okay, one of those might be more important than the other. I’ll let you decide which is which. Now, let’s make a DIY embroidered vote t-shirt! Even if you’ve never picked up a needle and a thread, you can embroider a t-shirt. Here are the supplies you’ll need to make a DIY Embroidered Vote T-Shirt: t-shirt (if you aren’t sure how this will go, pick an old one you can practice on) needle (I used a regular sewing needle with a large eye) embroidery floss (you might hear it called embroidery thread) embroidery hoop (if you…
Five Corkboard Ideas To Try
I have not one not two, but five corkboard ideas for you to try today! What can I say? I’m a giver. Corkboards can give off distinct 9 to 5 office vibes (boring!), but with a little creativity, you can take a drab corkboard and make it pop! Let’s take a look at some ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Corkboard Ideas: Add a Shelf. Add a shelf or ledge to turn a basic corkboard into something unique. This 2×3-ft corkboard cost $2 at the thrift store. Once the shelf or ledge piece on the bottom was added, it became a one-of-a-kind corkboard. It’s hard to tell in the…
Cross-Stitch American Flag On a Grain Sifter
What happens when you combine cross-stitch, an American flag, and an antique grain sifter? Pure Americana magic. Or, in less flowery terms, you get a cross-stitch American flag on a grain sifter. I’ve always been intrigued by the grid pattern of grain sifters. It lends itself well to all sorts of crafty endeavors, but particularly cross-stitch. Cross-stitch in its most rudimentary sense is a series of x-shaped hand stitches. I won’t even pretend to know much more about cross-stitch beyond that completely lacking description. I do consider it to be an art form and skill that I am continually impressed by when I see what folks have created. If you…
How to Make Wood-Burned Dice
I have the most satisfying project for you today. How to make wood-burned dice from wood cubes. Do we need them? Need is a relative term. Do we want them? Of course. They are so cool! Are they satisfying to make? Oh, heck yeah. And that, my friends, is the best part. It’s not so much what we create, but the act of creating that’s the reward. Let’s get started on how to make wood-burned dice. How To Make Wood-Burned Dice Step #1: Cut Cubes Cut cubes out of wood using a table saw. Our cubes are 3/4″ square, but you could adapt your size if you want larger or…
DIY Your Own Wood-Burned Easter Eggs
Here’s something you never knew you needed to make until now: Wood-Burned Easter Eggs. They are fun to make, will last forever, and you can even use them as place cards at your Easter table. I’m a wood-burning novice. Seriously, these wood-burned Easter eggs are my second wood-burning project ever. If I can try something new, so can you. All you need are wood eggs, a wood-burning kit, and your imagination. I like these 2 1/2-inch wood eggs from Amazon because they are a good natural egg size and don’t have a flat bottom. If you want your eggs to stand up on end, then you need to order eggs…
Easter Egg Embroidered Napkins
Here’s a relatively quick and customizable Easter craft for you – Easter Egg Embroidered Napkins. This is a fun way of adding some Easter flair to otherwise plain cloth napkins. Please note that I casually threw out the words ‘relatively quick’ when describing this project. Some of you have never touched embroidery thread. Some of you are probably hand-stitching pros and could do this project with your eyes closed. (If you can actually do this with your eyes closed, will you make a video for me?) On the embroidery spectrum, I’m a little closer to “never touched embroidery thread” than I am to being a professional. With my limited skills,…