
  • Crafts,  decorating,  holidays

    Halloween Bat Mantel

    A couple of weeks ago a strange man at the train station offered my kids packages of Starburst candy. I’m sure the man was just trying to be nice and the candy was unopened, but still. In context, it was an uncomfortable situation. It was one of those lessons in “we don’t take candy from strangers.” Except on Halloween, right mom? GAH! My kids are wild about Halloween. They’ve been planning their costumes for months. And they really, really, really like it when we decorate the house for Halloween. Just because one year I went a little crazy with Halloween book covers and such and now they think we should decorate…

  • Crafts,  Food,  holidays

    Halloween Countdown Lunch Notes

    I first published this post last September. It is pretty hilarious to note that despite so much changing in our lives this year, the day-to-day has stayed pretty consistent. My children still forget to put on socks. Every. single. morning. And they’ve been asking since August if I’m going to do Halloween countdown notes in their lunch boxes. Why, yes. We are definitely counting down the days for that one special evening when it is suddenly okay to take candy from strangers. Free printable below!  My children’s selective memory is quite excellent. Case in point. They have been asking me for at least 3 weeks if I am going to do the Halloween countdown in…

  • holidays

    From Sea to Shining Sea

    It’s a little strange celebrating America’s 4th of July along the Irish Sea. My kids, who love a good 4th of July parade as much as I do, asked me if we could just go throw candy at people on the street today. Um. Well. Let’s see. No. Definitely not. I think that would be an excellent example of good intentions, but poor execution. Besides. We don’t want to waste good candy. What will mommy eat after you go to bed? Whether you are throwing candy in a parade, catching candy, watching fireworks or celebrating the 4th with friends please know we are with you in spirit! Thank you to all…

  • holidays

    Free 4th of July Printable

    Just a reposting from last year in case anyone wants to print off these 4th of July images. And if the links at the bottom don’t work, let me know. I don’t have a printer setup at our temporary residence, so I can’t actually test it. Details, details. n 1776, the Continental Congress gathered in Philadelphia. I don’t know that this group of individuals considered themselves extraordinary. I’d venture to guess they considered themselves quite ordinary. They varied in education levels, in occupations. They disagreed about a great many things. But they had a common ground – declaring and gaining the colonies’ independence from the dictatorial rule of Great Britain. Whether they would…

  • decorating,  DIY,  holidays

    Pallet Flag Tip

    The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays – especially when I can celebrate with a good ol’ fashioned small town parade. Nothing screams “proud to be an American” like your local insurance agent throwing hard candy at little kids who run out into the street to grab these free treats. Seriously can’t wait. Now’s the time to get into the patriotic spirit with a little Americana decor, which brings me to this burning question. Is the pallet flag trend over? I don’t keep up with these things. I’m all about displaying what you love for however long you love it. It eventually all comes back into style anyway. I’m…

  • memorial day flag in a cemetery

    Our Memorial Day Tradition

    Our most humbling family tradition occurs on Memorial Day Weekend. Three generations gather at the cemetery to honor and remember those who paved the way for our freedoms, our lives and our heritage.   American flags have been placed beside the headstones of those who served in our country’s armed forces. Colorful flowers brighten the landscape. We clean the headstones, reminisce and pause in quiet reflection. My children have never met the family members buried there – not even their grandma. Yet, with a willing heart, they kneel on the ground and scrub the headstones clean. They trim tall grass and pull weeds. They listen to the stories of our family members who are…

  • Crafts,  holidays

    Lion and Lamb Children’s Art

    With Easter rapidly approaching, I thought it would be the perfect time to share some ideas for lion and lamb artwork. These were both made by my daughter in preschool, which was *sob* way too long ago. I can’t take credit for the artwork, unless you count growing the artist in my belly, birthing the artist and then meticulously selecting a preschool to cultivate the artist’s intellect and artistic talents. So, yeah. When you think about it that way, I can totally take credit for this artwork. I say this with all sincerity, the lion artwork demonstrates the best combined use of a paper plate and a tongue depressor that I’ve…

  • Crafts,  holidays

    LEGO Valentine’s Day Cards – Free Printable

    On Wednesday, I shared the writing-themed Valentine’s Day Cards my daughter is handing out this year. Now, it’s time to share my son’s Valentine’s Day cards. The day I was working on this post, this picture popped up in my Facebook feed from 3 years ago when my son was 2 years old. I left it in all of its unedited glory. Did you laugh out loud and spit tea on your computer screen too? It took me three years, but I am finally able to look back on that clean-up and laugh! My favorite Facebook comment on that picture was from my friend Christine who said, “it’s not easy being…

  • Crafts,  holidays

    Write This Way Valentine Card Printable

    Last weekend my husband, daughter and son were bonding over some sort of computer game. It’s what they do. Picture them all sitting in a row, almost shoulder to shoulder, each playing the same game on their own computers. All of the sudden, my daughter realizes there is instant messaging “chat” functionality on this game. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “Now we don’t have to talk to each other!” I just…I can’t even…I… Let’s just say it is a little ironic that she picked a communication-themed Valentine’s Day card. My brain is still processing all the hope we are hanging on this next generation, so I  can’t remember if the idea or the trinket came…

  • Crafts,  holidays

    Printable Valentine’s Cards for Kids

    I’m working on Valentine’s Day cards for the kiddos to hand out to their classmates. It’s quite a process in deciding what type of card each child wants to hand out. It reminds me of my most favorite time of year when my kids go about picking their Halloween costumes. Without fail that process goes something like this… Child: I want to be a (insert any random character here). 5 seconds later… Child:  No, I want to be (insert a combination of random characters here). Me: So, you want to be a Storm Trooper My Little Pony Ghost? Child: YES! That’s exactly what I want! 5 seconds later… Child: No, I just want…