
  • Crafts,  decorating

    DIY Felt Spring Wreath

    I know you have been waiting with bated breath for me to share another felt project. Wait no more. I have a doozie for you today. Meet happiness on a door. Otherwise known as my spring wreath. In the interest of full disclosure, I love how bright and cheery this project turned out, but boy, was it a pain to create. Literally. Doesn’t that inspire you to make your own? I have a way with these things. I decided to make this wreath after seeing similar ones on Etsy. While my project was drastically less expensive, it did take me several nights to make it. I also incurred quite a few hot glue burns.…

  • Crafts,  decorating

    Scalloped and Basket Weave Felt Pillow – No Sew

    It’s been awhile since I’ve shared any crafty projects involving felt. Did you hope think I dropped that obsession? Ha! That’s crazy talk. Here’s how it all went down… I’m still having problems with my sewing machine. By “problems” I mean the bobbin thread is a hot mess and I don’t have the patience to deal with it. By the way, does anyone need a sewing machine? It really is amazing what I can create when I’m avoiding figuring out how to work my sewing machine. I needed wanted some new decorative pillows for my bed and thought I’d try my hand at making over two pillow covers that I own. Waste not, want…

  • Crafts,  holidays

    Lion and Lamb Children’s Art

    With Easter rapidly approaching, I thought it would be the perfect time to share some ideas for lion and lamb artwork. These were both made by my daughter in preschool, which was *sob* way too long ago. I can’t take credit for the artwork, unless you count growing the artist in my belly, birthing the artist and then meticulously selecting a preschool to cultivate the artist’s intellect and artistic talents. So, yeah. When you think about it that way, I can totally take credit for this artwork. I say this with all sincerity, the lion artwork demonstrates the best combined use of a paper plate and a tongue depressor that I’ve…

  • Crafts,  decorating

    Leather Wrapped Basket Handle

    I may have to ditch my felt obsession and move on to leather cording. Kidding, kidding. Felt, I will always love you. I have a large, but plain, black basket that is currently pulling duty as the keeper of random books in our living room. I’d say the basket dates back to approximately 2 B.C. That’s 2 years Before Children. I have a vague recollection of that time in my life. I believe it involved power lunches and sleeping in on Saturdays…and Sundays. Anyway, one day last week, the basket really started to bug me. I think it’s the brain’s way of saying you can’t control the twists and turns of life, but you can makeover…

  • Crafts,  holidays

    LEGO Valentine’s Day Cards – Free Printable

    On Wednesday, I shared the writing-themed Valentine’s Day Cards my daughter is handing out this year. Now, it’s time to share my son’s Valentine’s Day cards. The day I was working on this post, this picture popped up in my Facebook feed from 3 years ago when my son was 2 years old. I left it in all of its unedited glory. Did you laugh out loud and spit tea on your computer screen too? It took me three years, but I am finally able to look back on that clean-up and laugh! My favorite Facebook comment on that picture was from my friend Christine who said, “it’s not easy being…

  • Crafts,  holidays

    Write This Way Valentine Card Printable

    Last weekend my husband, daughter and son were bonding over some sort of computer game. It’s what they do. Picture them all sitting in a row, almost shoulder to shoulder, each playing the same game on their own computers. All of the sudden, my daughter realizes there is instant messaging “chat” functionality on this game. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “Now we don’t have to talk to each other!” I just…I can’t even…I… Let’s just say it is a little ironic that she picked a communication-themed Valentine’s Day card. My brain is still processing all the hope we are hanging on this next generation, so I  can’t remember if the idea or the trinket came…

  • Crafts,  decorating

    Gold and Turquoise Wood Arrows

    Now, I don’t want you guys to take this the wrong way, but I’ve been mulling an idea over. I really think that instead of streets of gold, Heaven should be filled with the aisles of Hobby Lobby. Furthermore, the 40% off coupons could be replaced with 100% off coupons. Imagine it… The last time I was there (Hobby Lobby, not Heaven), I was on a mission to find something that could pass as a Valentine’s Day decoration, but wouldn’t actually BE a Valentine’s decoration. Do you get what I mean? Yeah, me neither. But I knew it would all become crystal clear the minute I saw the thing that I didn’t know…

  • Crafts,  holidays

    Printable Valentine’s Cards for Kids

    I’m working on Valentine’s Day cards for the kiddos to hand out to their classmates. It’s quite a process in deciding what type of card each child wants to hand out. It reminds me of my most favorite time of year when my kids go about picking their Halloween costumes. Without fail that process goes something like this… Child: I want to be a (insert any random character here). 5 seconds later… Child:  No, I want to be (insert a combination of random characters here). Me: So, you want to be a Storm Trooper My Little Pony Ghost? Child: YES! That’s exactly what I want! 5 seconds later… Child: No, I just want…

  • Crafts,  holidays

    Paper Arrows

    I’m on a Valentine craft roll! If you call two similar crafts a roll. On Friday I showed you my Valentine plant stakes. In that same crafty surge I also made some arrows. These came about as a result of my weekly sojourn to Target. I always walk through their dollar section and decide I need EVERYTHING. Then I decide that would be a little excessive, so I walk away with nothing. I’m all about balance. This time I took away an idea. Those, my friend, are free. I thought these clothespins were cute. Probably because they were embellished with felt. Felt is a close second on my list of things I’m…

  • Crafts,  decorating,  holidays

    Heart Plant Stakes

    Valentine’s Day is a month away. In truth, it’s not my most favorite holiday. I like the sentiment, I just think we should let people know we love them a little more regularly than when Hallmark tells us to. That said, if my husband wants to shower me with gifts, I won’t turn them down! Also, my kids love Valentine’s Day, so I’m getting into the spirit of things – on my terms. First up, flowers. I treated myself to some happy yellow roses from Trader Joe’s. $5 in that cute little tin! Don’t mind if I do! Yellow roses remind me of sunshine and definitely brighten up a dreary winter day.…